ARMAGEDDON - Proclamation Of War on Terrorism
(Apocalyptic Interpretation)
ISAIAH 30:25-26 "And shall be on every high mountain and on every lifted up hill, rivulets, streams of [reviving] water [fig. of retributive measures of justice] in a day of great slaying [when human aspirations go beyond the limits of the law, in the day of great slaying] when towers fall. And the [reflected] moon light [of armed defensive combat necessitated through right and justifiable measures] shall be like the light of the sun [the law of the land in its going forth]; and the sun's light [of divinely sanctioned retributive judgment upon the revels- to re-establish the age old foundations] shall be sevenfold [in perfection of divine vengeance of the Almighty], as the light of seven days [when the prophecies are accomplished and has been summoned a bird of prey from a far off land to fulfill the purposes of Jehovah], in the day of Jehovah binding up the [violent] break of His people [from the forceful entry made upon them by foreign invasion], and the wound of His blow [the severe chastisement manifest in the bondage and captivity of His people He] heals."