Wednesday, September 16, 2009


REVELARION 17:9-11 “The seven heads (fig., representing fallen and active world empires that oppressed the nation Israel over the course of history) are seven mountains (dynasties, or forms of government), where the woman (the spirit- the “vital principle” of idolatry who rides upon them– as a dominant ruler of the world,) sits (to abide sovereign) on them; and the (earthly) kings (having had dominion) are seven: the five (past empires, within the course of ancient history) fell, [(1) Egypt, (2) Assyria, (3) Ancient Babylon, (4) Persia, (5) The Greek Kingdoms- “Alexander The Great”] and the one (the 6th head – Rome) is (currently in existence, having prevailed throughout the great part of Europe to become the basis of civilization which we now know), the other (the 7th head, representing the dominion of the Antichrist) not yet came (into existence at the time of John’s writing), a little he must remain. And the beast (that will come out of the earth, the Great Harlot, the “Babylonian Empire”) which was (in existence in past history, for the literal Empire) and is not (any longer in existence as an independent nation), even he is eighth (head), and of the seven it is, and to perdition it goes.”
(Prehistory Preview)
REVELATION 17:12-14 “’And the ten horns which you saw [on the Beast with the Seven heads], are ten kings [the heads of the ten tribes of Israel comprising the Northern Kingdom- the Christians], who a [unified] kingdom not yet received [they are persons of distinguished honor forming the heads of a loose tribal confederation], but will receive authority as kings [over their own independent tribes] one hour [independently yet] with the [scarlet] Beast [in a time frame of these events] ’”
Verse 13 “’These [the loose tribal confederation of Christians] have one mind [though wholly independent of each other, they are united in promoting the same ultimate end- to profess belief in the teachings of Jesus Christ], and the power and the authority of themselves [as demi gods] to the [scarlet] beast they shall give up [acknowledging his designs to be abominable]. These [of the scarlet beast, the “Synagogue of Satan”] with the Lamb [the “Mighty God”- having left his life as a quilt offering for the offences within the Jewish Levitical Priesthood] will make war, and the Lamb will overcome them because Lord of lords he is and King of kings, and those with him (the) called and elect [the armies of heaven- the “prophetic soldiers”- the prophets having borne the “Word of God” as the ultimate revelation of God’s will to man] and [those with the Lamb will be the] faithful ones [the glorified believers who will follow and accompany Christ into the battle ].’”
Verse 15 “And he (the angel, who came to me to show me the judgment of the great harlot), says to me, ‘The waters which you saw, where the harlot (the center of a formidable political world power involved in a secret bid for worldwide domination), sits, are peoples[joined together by the common bonds of society- distinguished from magistrates- free citizens, even heathens and Gentiles] and [disorganized] crowds [common people and the rabble], even nations and tongues [hypothetically the deceptively lead puppeteer members of the Bilderberg Group]. And the ten horns which you saw on the beast [the loose tribal confederation of Christians- claiming Jesus Christ to be the “Mighty God”], these will hate the harlot [the city of Babylon seeking bid for worldwide dominion], and will make her desolated and naked [lacking of any and all spiritual clothing- strip her of all her power and all her attractiveness], and the flesh of her they will eat [utterly and completely obliterate all vestiges of the false religious system used to gain control of the world by the Antichrist and his henchmen], and will burn her down with fire [so to be consumed in total and absolute destruction]. For God gave in to the hearts of them to do the mind of Him, and to do one mind, and to give the kingdom of them to the beast, until should be completed the words of God."

PSALM 149:6-9 “May the praise of God be in their mouths and a double-edged sword in their hands, to inflict vengeance on the nations [through seizure and enforced dominion] and punishment on the peoples, to bind their kings with fetters, their nobles with shackles of iron, to carry out the sentence written against them [to bring back the boundaries of the law].”
Revelation 13:15 “And (through covert operations and political stratagem) was given to it (the formidable political world power of Babylon) to give a spirit (a breath of life) to the image of the beast (so to publicly raise the 8th head, the throne of Babylon), that even might speak the image of the beast and might make as many as would not worship the image [poised as “protection and security” to the homeland] that they be killed [brought to a political ruin– considered as a terrorist sympathizer].”
Verse 16 “And it (the treasonous underground branch- removing the boundaries of the law, dissipating the light of sinful rebellion in it’s secret bid for world dominion) makes all, the small (the insignificant one) and the great (in magnitude), and the rich and the poor, and the (independent) freeman and the slave (those in servitude), that it (the underground “reign of terror”) may give to them a (blemishing mark) on the right hand (of those who joined their hand in pledge or service voluntarily or involuntarily), or on the foreheads of them (distinguishing them as devotees) even that not any could buy (safe passage) or sell (their service without the risk of reprisal), except he having the (blemishing) mark, or the name (of the godless renown) of the beast, or the number of the (of the 6th head epitomizing the) name of it [as being that of Rome, whose heads of state having usurped the scepter of Jerusalem by treason and war immediately assumed the sacred title of vice-regent of the Deity]. Here is wisdom. The (one) having reason let him count [in historical sequence] the number of the beast: for it is the member of a man [and not a god]. The number of it (is) 666 [symbolically portraying Rome- a nation that endured through three consecutive falls of Jerusalem, at the hand of Babylon].”

(Post #36) False Flag Operations

Revelation 13:13 “And it (a Babylonian Monarch, a son of Nebuchadnezzar, underhandedly) deceived those dwelling on the earth (luring them into a disadvantageous action- entrapping them), because of the signs (grave or serious prophetic events) which was given to it do before the beast (the Antichrist) who has the wound of the sword (first denying self-deification) and (yet) lived.”
False flag
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False flag operations are covert operations conducted by governments, corporations, or other organizations which are designed to deceive the public in such a way that the operations appear as though they are being carried out by other entities. The name is derived from the military concept of flying false colors; that is, flying the flag of a country other than one's own. False flag operations are not limited to war and counter-insurgency operations, and have been used in peace-time; for example, during Italy's strategy of tension: A theory of strategy of tension (Italian: strategia della tensione) is an alleged way used by world powers to divide, manipulate, and control public opinion using fear, propaganda, disinformation, psychological warfare, agents provocateurs, as well as false flag terrorist actions.[1]
Thomas Commentary.- The Pseudo-prophet (false prophet) will perform these to obscure the truth, to confuse people, and to win the wrong orientation for their inner allegiance. These will be genuine miracles [Study Notes: via, the fulfillment of genuine prophecy, thusly, then construed as] supernatural accomplishments, not mere trickery. They will almost deceive the elect, but the faithful will recognize them for what they are because of the purpose for which they are performed and the doctrine that they are seeking to prove.
The beast’s sign-producing power extends even to the point of John’s wildest dreams of calling down fire from heaven.

The signs performed by the beast will serve to lead people astray [relinquishing their liberty and freedoms for protection and security] and bring them [as sheep to the slaughter] to the worship of a false god.
Beale Commentary.- Therefore, the beast poses as a spokesman for truth but is a false prophet and false teacher.
True prophets receive their inspiration and commissions as they stand “before the presence of the Lord”. Likewise, the false prophet receives his inspiration and commission as he acts “in the presence of the beast (Antichrist).

(Post #35) A Sign

Jamieson, Fausset, Brown Commentary.- “And I will set among them a sign and I will send from them those who escape [“from the tokens of the divine displeasure”] to the nations…” – a banner on a high place, to indicate the place of meeting for the dispersed Israelite exiles, preparatory to their return to their land. The Gentile survivors spared by God shall act as missionaries to their several nations and represent it.

Gaebelein Commentary.- The survivors (of Jerusalem) are the Israelite remnant, and they go out to many a foreign country to proclaim the glory of the true God.

Poole’s Commentary.- Prophets were to be judged true or false, not from any signs or wonders which they did, but from the doctrine they taught, and would by those signs establish.
(Babylonian Empire - Secret Bid for Worldwide Dominion)
Revelation 13:15 “And it (one of the Babylonian monarchs, drunk on the blood of the saints) does great signs (evidenced by a grave “Memorable Occurrence” or serious prophetic event), that even it makes (consuming) fire (of divine wrath) to come down out of heaven onto the earth before men.”

Great Sign
ISAIAH 66:19 “And I will set among them a sign and I will send from them those who escape [“from the tokens of the divine displeasure”] to the nations…”

Barnes Commentary.- A Sign. The word used here, and translated sign- means a flag, or a standard; a memorial, or any pledge, token or proof of a Divine mission, or a miracle wrought in attestation of a Divine promise or message. It was customary for miracles or prodigies (grave or serious prophetic event) to be exhibited on similar occasions.
What is its meaning here is to be determined by the connection. That would seem to me to require some such interpretation as this: That when God should come to take vengeance on His foes, and to manifest His glory, He would establish some mark or memorial; would erect some standard or give some signal, by which His true friends would escape, and that He would send them to distant nations to proclaim His truth and gather together those who had not seen His glory. What that sign should be, He does not here say. Whether a standard, a secret communication, or some intimation beforehand, by which they should know the approaching danger and make their escape, is not declared. It is by no means easy to determine with certainty on this passage; and it certainly become no one to speak dogmatically (inflexibly) or very confidently. The heavy judgments referred to may have been the impending calamities over Jerusalem. The glory of God referred to, may have been the signal manifestation of His perfections at that period in the approaching destruction of the city, and in the wonders that attended the “manifestation” of the Messiah (the “Mighty God”).
By these warnings and previous intimations they were to be preserved. The sign was “among them,” i.e., in the very midst of the nation; and the object of the intimation was, to secure their safety, and the speedy propagation (broadcast or circulation) of the true religion among them.

911 - ARMAGEDDON Proclamation of War on Terrorism
ISAIAH 30:25-26 “And shall be on every high mountain and on every lifted up hill, rivulets, steams of [reviving] water [of retributive measures of justice] in a day of great slaying [when human aspirations go beyond the limits of the law, in the day of great slaying] when towers fall. And the [reflected] moon light [of armed defensive combat necessitated through right and justifiable measure] shall be like the light of the sun [the law of the land in its going forth]; and the sun’s light [of divinely sanctioned retributive judgment upon the rebels- to re-establish the age old foundations] shall be sevenfold [in perfection of divine vengeance of the Almighty], as the light of seven days [when the prophecies are accomplished and has been summoned a bird of prey from a far off land to fulfill the purposes of Jehovah], in the day of Jehovah binding up the [violent] break of His people [through the forceful entry made upon them by foreign invasion], and the wound of His blow [the severe chastisement manifest in the bondage and captivity of His people He] heals.”

(Post #34) Worship Of The Beast

(Babylonian Empire)
Revelation 13:12 “And it [the Babylonian monarchy, a counterfeit political imitation of the Dragon] makes the earth and those dwelling in it [groups of politicians, academic and business leaders- members of the international power elite capable of influencing international policy] that they should worship [the Antichrist, effecting the capitulation of society to the worship of secular power, that is], the first beast of which was healed he wound of (the) death of it [claiming himself to be the true follower of the Lamb- who was equated equal in power and authority to God].”

Mounce Commentary.- Deification of secular power is in fact the worship of Satan. The motivation of worship is not the beast’s moral greatness but the awesome power of his might. The authority he wields is the authority of Satan himself.

Poole’s Commentary.- And they worshipped the beast, saying, ‘Who is like the beast?’ Possibly worshipping in this latter clause is not to be understood of Divine adoration, but a civil subjection.

(For Serious Consideration):
In conspiracy theory, the term “New World Order” (the capital letters are distinguishing) refers to the advent of a cryptocratic or totalitarian one-world government.
Cryptocracy, from the ancient Greek κρυπτός (kryptós, hidden) and κραττείν (krateín, to rule), refers to a type of government where the real leaders are hidden, or merely unknown.[1] A puppet government or figurehead, whether aware or not of their status as such, usually figures into this type of government in concept. It can also be used when referring to similar arrangements in organisations, orders, sects and cults. As such governments are, by definition, secret, they are most commonly featured in conspiracy theories or works of conspiracy fiction rather than the historical record.
Totalitarianism (or totalitarian rule) is a political system where the state recognizes no limits to its authority and strives to regulate every aspect of public and private life wherever feasible[2]. Totalitarianism is generally characterized by the coincidence of authoritarianism (i.e., where ordinary citizens have no significant share in state decision-making) and ideology (i.e., a pervasive scheme of values promulgated by institutional means to direct the most significant aspects of public and private life)[3].
The common theme in conspiracy theories about a New World Order is that a powerful and secretive group of globalists is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an autonomous world government, which would replace sovereign states and other checks and balances in international power struggles. Significant occurrences in politics and finance are speculated to be caused by an extremely influential cabal operating through many front organizations. Numerous historical and current events are seen as steps in an on-going plot to achieve world domination through secret political gatherings and decision-making processes.
Mounce Commentary.- In the final days of Antichrist the false prophet stands for the role of false religion in effecting the capitulation (surrender and submission) of society to the worship of secular power. It is the universal victory of humanism .

[Humanism: A human philosophy for the here and now it is a cultural movement based on the philosophy of the ancient Greeks and Romans who enjoyed the open-endedness of a quest and the freedom of discovery that it entails- rather than on the sovereign authority of God.]

Mounce Commentary.- Peterson, in his self-styled and highly readable “pastoral midrash,” writes that “dragon, sea beast and land beast are a satanic trinity that infiltrates the political world in order to deflect our worship from the God whom we cannot see to the authorities that we can see, and to deceive us into buying into a religion or belief-system that has visible results in self-gratification [NOTE: lust for power and authority].
Mounce Study Notes Expounded Out of Context: As the dragon gave his authority to the first beast, so the second beast exercises the authority of the first. He carries out the desires of the first beast as a prophet who stands in readiness before his god. His purpose is to cause everyone to worship the beast whose fatal wound has been healed [emulating to some degree the order sent out by the Roman Empire to be tolerant to Christians, which was seen as an imperial backing to the church. The primitive Christians derived their orders from the decrees of heaven and therefore Constantine, though he usurped the scepter by treason and war, immediately assumed the sacred title of vice-regent of the Deity making himself accountable to the Deity alone for the abuse of his power. The healing of the tatal wound could be viewed as the promotion of emperor worship.]
Mounce Commentary.- His purpose is to cause everyone to worship the beast whose fatal wound has been healed.

Thomas Commentary.- A specific exercise of authority is to bring men to worship the first beast, to practice gross idolatry by worshiping a man as God.

MacArthur Commentary.- The false prophet’s efforts to promote the worship of the Antichrist will receive a tremendous boost from a startling, spectacular event: the apparent healing of the first beast’s fatal wound.

(Post #33) The Babylonian Empire

(Babylonian Empire)

Revelation 13:11 “And I (John) saw another beast coming up out of the earth, and it had two horns like a lamb, and spoke as a dragon [seeking dominion over a New World Order]. And all the authority [the designed stratagem] of the first beast it does before it [as an enforcer- being a counterfeit political imitation of Antichrist].

Study Note: Although the dragon is not mentioned in this scene, yet from its position on the seashore it now calls up a second evil helper.
John uses only a few words to describe this monster. On sentence is extremely suggestive: he had two horns like a lamb, but he spoke like a dragon [seeking universal dominion through stealth]. And all the authority [the designed stratagem] of the first beast it does before it [as an enforcer- being a counterfeit political imitation of Antichrist]. And it makes the earth and those dwelling it that they should worship the first beast [seeking world dominion] of which was healed the wound of death of it [claiming their victory through Jesus Christ - manifesting themselves to be the firstfruits of God and the Lamb- to execute vengeance on the nations and punishment on the people].”

The second monster gratifies the needs of the first monster, so he exercised all the authority of the first beast on his behalf. The nature of this service is clarified immediately: he assists in ensuring that earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast.
Beale Commentary.- The beast has primarily a "prophetic" role since it is later repeatedly call “the false prophet”. Whereas the true prophet was to lead people to worship God, this prophet leads them to worship the state. This is reinforced by Christ’s prophecy that false prophets and messiahs would arise in the believing community itself. Jesus also likened false prophets to beasts and foretold that “false prophets” would “come…in sheep’s clothing but are inwardly ravenous wolves” (Matt. 7:15). The image of a wolf in lamb’s clothing suggest a traitor within the fold of the church [or trusted political system]. Though the beast professes to represent the truth and appears harmless as a lamb, his inner Satanic nature is revealed through his speaking- with the authority of the dragon, reflecting the alluring, deceptive speech of Satan…that led to the sin of Adam and Eve.
Therefore, this imagery and background suggest deception within the covenant community itself. Whereas the first beast speaks loudly and defiantly against God [through abominable defamation of the righteous and good character of God], the second beast makes the first beast’s claims sound plausible and persuasive. Therefore, it takes a discerning Christian to detect the evil inherent in the second beast.
The second beast is now explicitly said to be aligned with the first beast, further confirming its identification with the state. He exercises the authority of the first beast. This is emphasized by saying that he exercises this authority “in the presence” of the first beast. This authority also comes from Satan [seeking to usurp the throne of God- World Supremacy and a New World Order]. The second beast uses its authority to “coerce the earth and those dwelling in it to worship the first beast.”
Barnes Commentary (Paraphrased).- “Coming out of the earth.” Professor Stuart renders this, “ascending from the land.” The former was represented as rising up out of the sea; indicating that the power was to rise from a perturbed or unsettled state of affairs- like the ocean. This, from that which was more settled and stable- as the land is more firm than the waters.
“And he had two horns like a lamb.” In some respects he resembled a lamb; that is, he seemed to be mild, gentle, inoffensive animal. “And he spoke as a dragon.” The general sense is, that while this “beast” had, in one respect- its resemblance to a lamb- the appearance of great gentleness, meekness, and kindness, it had, in another respect, a haughty, imperious, and arrogant spirit. “And he exercised all the power of the first beast before him.” The same amount of power; the same kind of power. This shows a remarkable relationship between these two beasts; and proves that it was intended to refer to the same power substantially, though manifested in a different form. In the fulfillment of this, we should naturally look for some government whose authority extended far, and which was absolute and arrogant in its character, for this is the power attributed to the first beast.
[This description would have a remarkable fulfillment in the blending of church and state, considered as a theocratic dominion. The relation to the secular power is the same as would be indicated by these two beast; the dominion was as wide-spread; the authority was as absolute and arrogant. In fact, on these points they have been identical. The one has sustained the other; either one would long have fallen if had not been upheld by the other. These two things, the secular and the spiritual power, constituting a New World Order in the proper sense of the term, are in fact – united so as to constitute in reality but one kingdom, and yet so distinct in their origin, and in their manifestations, as to be capable of separate contemplation and description, and thus properly represented by the two “beasts” that were show in vision to John.]
[The meaning here, according to the interpretation proposed all along in this chapter, is, that the “supreme head”, considered in its religious influence, or as a spiritual power- represented by the second beast- secured for the civil or secular power- represented by the first beast- the homage of the world. It was the means of keeping up that dominion, and of giving it its ascendency among the nations of the earth. That new power gave life and energy to the influence of the Dragon.]
MacArthur Commentary (Paraphrased).- the major weapon in Satan’s arsenal is deception. "Satan", Jesus declared, is “a liar and the father of lies”. From his first appearance on earth in the Garden of Eden until his final appearance at the end , Satan is a liar and a deceiver. He constantly seeks to confuse people, “blind(ing) the minds of the unbelieving so that they might not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ…
Since Satan is a deceiver, it follows that his agents are also deceivers.
The partnership between political and religious power exhibited by Antichrist and the false prophet will not be new. The Roman Empire united political and religious power by demanding that its subjects worship the state (personified as the goddess Roma) and the emperor.
The worldwide joining of political and religious power will occur in the end times. For a time, the two powers will coexist.
Some view this second beast as an institution, a form of government, or an ideology. But he, like the first beast will be a person. Further proof of that comes from 19:20: “And the beast was seized, and with him the false prophet who performed the signs in his presence, by which he deceived those who had received the ark of the beast and those who worshiped his image; these two were thrown alive into the lake of fire which burns with brimstone.”

[Obviously, it is people along with their ideologies, institutions, or governments, that God will cast into the lake of fire.]
MacArthur Commentary.-That a the false prophet arises from the earth suggests that he will be subtler, gentler, less overpowering and terrifying than the Antichrist. He will be winsome and persuasive, the epitome of the wolves in sheep’s clothing Jesus warned of.
The description of the first beast, with its ten horns, seven heads, ten crowns, and seven blasphemous names, was grotesque and frightening. In contrast, the second beast merely had two horns. That indicates that he is not characterized by the same massive might as Antichrist. And unlike the savage, ferocious, fierce, and deadly Antichrist who is likened to a leopard, bear, and lion, the false prophet seems as harmless as a lamb. He does not come as a conquering dictator, but on the surface appears as a subtle deceiver, with meekness and gentleness, though not without great authority.
Despite his deceptively mild appearance, the false prophet is not less a child of “evil” than the Antichrist. That is evident because he spoke as a dragon- a strange voice indeed for a lamb. The false prophet…will be the dragon’s mouthpiece, SPEAKING HIS WORDS.
False prophets often appear meek, mild and harmless. They offer hope and solutions to the problems troubling men and women. The false prophet will come like a lamb, speaking false, deceptive words of comfort.
Mounce Commentary.- The beast out of the earth is a deceiver. Elsewhere (in Revelation) he is uniformly called the false prophet. His two horns like a lamb represent his attempt to convey the impression of gentle harmlessness. This passage recalls the warning of Jesus, Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves” (Matt. 7:15). The horns like a lamb may refer to the seductive inducements (considerations of loyalty, patriotism, self-interest, etc.) held out to Christians by the beast.
The role of the second beast (the formidable political underground world power- involved in a secret bid for worldwide dominion now visible on earth) is to cause people to worship the first beast. To achieve this end he is empowered to work miracles.
Wall Commentary.- “…this beast, the false prophet, is an exemplar of those subtle forms of evil which deceive people into embracing lies as God’s truth.

[All agree that this must be some great impostor, who under a pretence of addressing worldwide political problems, shall deceive the souls of men.]
Henry Commentary.- The power which he exercises: All the power of the former beast; he promotes the same interests, pursues the same design in substance, which is, to draw men off from worshipping the true God to worshipping those who by nature are not God, and subject the souls and consciences of men to the will and authority of men, in opposition to the will of God.

Holman Commentary.- What is the earth monster? So far in the description this could be thought of as religious power gone corrupt… Religion has frequently joined political power as its handmaid. Throughout time kings have often been accorded divine status and been served by the state priesthood. By the end of the first century, the priests of the emperor’s cult were active in promoting emperor worship.
Now the earth monster becomes what must be a specific individual [of particular, yet successive kings of the monarchy], though often through church history the monster has been seen as representative of an earthly power such as the Roman government or a religious heresy.

Ironside Commentary.- To be forewarned is to be forearmed. God’s holy Word has predicted the coming of this false one and has clearly shown what will lead up to his revelation. No Spirit-taught Bible student can fail to observe the shadow of the Antichrist falling across many pages of prophecy. “you have heard,” wrote the apostle John, “that Antichrist shall come” (1 John 2:18). The only question that troubles many has to do with the identification of the person of thing referred to. Is the Antichrist a person or a system? Many weighty names could be quoted in favor of either view, but, in order that our faith may not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God in this matter as in all else, we desire to be guided by the written Word.
The Antichrist will be a man, as the Christ of God is a man. Babylon is a vast organized system, even as the church of God is a divine organization. But the one is a Satanic counterfeit of the other. The Antichrist is the final head of the apostate system.

(Post #32) Patient Endurance

(Patient Endurance and Faithfulness)
Revelation 13:10 “If anyone has an ear, let him hear. If anyone gathers captivity, into captivity he goes. If anyone will kill by a sword, by a sword he must be killed. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.”

Holman Commentary.- The Revelation passage teaches the inevitable coming of unjust suffering on the saints through the Antichrist monster.
In light of the coming imprisonment and death of Christians the readers are to maintain patient endurance and faithfulness. By their steadfastness in the face of imprisonment and death, saints demonstrate that they are truly people who believe.
MacArthur Commentary.- Antichrist will not be all talk; he will also be capable of decisive deadly action. Because they (the “God fearers”) will refuse to worship him, antichrist will make war with them; believers in the true God will bear the brunt of his murderous fury. He will perceive them as a threat to his authority over every tribe and people and tongue and nation. The result will be a world-wide slaughter of God’s people.
That Antichrist will successfully make war with the saints and overcome them does not mean that he will have the power to destroy their faith. He will overpower them physically, but not spiritually. Genuine saving faith cannot be destroyed, because “neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Nor will the Lord Jesus Christ, who is infinitely more powerful than Antichrist or Satan, permit any true child of his to suffer the loss of eternal life. But Antichrist will slaughter God’s people on an unprecedented scale as he expresses his world dominance.
Unlike unbelievers, the elect will not be deceived by Antichrist, nor will they worship him. Antichrist will not be able to destroy believers’ saving faith, for the Lord Jesus Christ promised, “he who overcomes will thus be clothed in white garments; and I will not erase his name form the book of life, and I will confess his name before My Father and before His angels” ( Rev. 3:5). Believers have been in the keeping power of God since before creation, and they will be there after the destruction of this order and the establishment of the new heaven and the new earth (Rev. 21:1).
Believers are doubly secure, because the book of life belongs to the Lamb who has been slain. Not only the decree of election, but also the atoning work of Christ seals the redemption of the elect forever. Antichrist may take their lives, but he cannot destroy their faith.
This astounding vision of the beast from the sea concludes with a call for spiritual understanding. The warning If anyone has an ear, let him hear is used to emphasize a particularly important truth.
Here the phrase introduces a proverb that concludes this passage: If anyone is destined for captivity, to captivity he goes; if anyone kills with the sword, with the sword he must be killed. Here is the perseverance and the faith of the saints. These proverbs contains important practical truths for those believers alive at the time of Antichrist’s persecution. They are to depend on God’s providence and not to take matters not their own hands. Those believers destined by God’s sovereign plan for captivity (imprisonment) are to accept that incarceration as God’s will. They are not to resist or fight against Antichrist. …if anyone kills with the sword, with the sword he must be killed. God’s people must not retaliate against their persecutors; there is no place now, and there will be no place then, for militant, aggressive, violent believers terrorizing their persecutors. “Those also who suffer according to the will of God,” wrote Peter, “shall entrust their souls to a faithful Creator in doing what is right (1 Pet. 4:19).
Instead of reacting violently, believers must exemplify the perseverance and the faith of the saints. They must be like the Lord Jesus Christ, who “while being reviled…did not revile in return; while suffering…uttered no threats, but kept entrusting himself to Him who judges righteously” (l Pet. 3:16).
PSALM 76:8-10 “You (Jehovah) have caused judgment to be heard from Heaven (when You came to overthrow and destroy the enemies of Your people); the earth feared and was stilled, when God arose to judgment, to save all the humble of the earth (the afflicted, the crushed, the oppressed; those forbearing under the affliction). For the wraths (divinely sanctioned retributions) of man (taking forceful means to reestablish the boundaries of the Law) thank You (for the display of just principles and the stability and power of just government): You encircle Yourself (as with a sword- to make use of it as a weapon for the execution of Your own purpose, girding Yourself) with the wraths left over (retributions of man that have been held in check through lawful restraints of the godly, God fearing man).”
Barnes Commentary.- “If anyone has an ear, let him hear. If anyone gathers captivity, into captivity he goes. If anyone will kill by a sword, by a sword he must be killed. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.” The general truth is, that men will, in the course of things, be dealt with according to their character and their treatment of others; that nations characterized by war and conquests will be subject to the evils of war and conquest-or that they many expect to share the same lot which they have brought on others. This general statement accords with what the Savior says in Mat. 26:52: “All they that take the sword shall perish with the sword.” This has been abundantly illustrated in the world; and it is a very important admonition to nations not to indulge in the purposes of conquest.
The particular idea here is, that it would be characteristic of the power here referred to that it would “lead others into captivity.” This would be fulfilled if it was the characteristic of this power to invade other countries and to make their inhabitants prisoners of war; if it made slaves of other people; if it set up an unjust dominion over other people of if it was distinguished for persecuting and imprisoning the innocent, or for depriving the nations of liberty.
Beale Commentary.- The exhortation was used to encourage the readers not to compromise and to bear up under the consequences of suffering for their faith. With such discernment they should be strengthened to endure their destiny of “captivity” in prison or even death by the “sword”. Their spiritual insight should motivate them to “suffer according to the will of God" and to “entrust their souls to a faithful Creator in doing what it right”.
“Herein is the perseverance of the saints, those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.”
Ironside Commentary.- Only those who have exchanged the heavenly hope for an earthly one will be deceived by this great leader (Antichrist). He is the coming man for whom the world is waiting. Mistaken and blinded statesmen will hail him as the head of the nations, the one who will solve the problems- social, political, and economic that are now disturbing the world. How blessed to be warned by God Himself of all these things beforehand, that we may walk apart from everything that savors of that day of reproach and blasphemy. And when it actually comes, who can question the value of this present scripture for the guidance and consolation of God’s earthly people Israel. Otherwise they might well be in despair at the apparent defeat of righteousness and the triumph of iniquity.
Thomas Commentary.- “If anyone has an ear, let him hear. If anyone gathers captivity, into captivity he goes. If anyone will kill by a sword, by a sword he must be killed. Some try to understand this verse as a warning of divine punishment to the persecutors. God will ultimately triumph and punish the wicked. This furnishes a basis for the patience and faithfulness of the saints in the hour of their persecution. This also serves to warn the persecutors.
A second interpretation of this verse sees it as addressed to the saints, encouraging readiness for destined sufferings and warning them not to take action against the beast. The only distinctive support for this second view derives from Jesus’ words in Matt. 26:53, advocating refraining from the use of the sword.
Endurance characterized the outlook of John and his contemporaries in their persecution. The pressures of the times will require endurance because of the persecuting hand of the tyrant and faithfulness through dark times until his eventual doom. Remembrance that God is sovereign over all that happens and that the dragon and the beast have only a short time, will provide fuel to sustain these to spiritual qualities.

But “the triumphing of the wicked is short,” and “the man of the earth” will be destroyed in due time. Faith will have its reward when the Lard appears from Heaven to take vengeance on all who dare lift up their bloody hands against His afflicted people. “Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.”

(Post #31) Beast Opened His Mouth In Blasphemy

Revelation 13:5 “And it (the “little horn”- the Antichrist) opened the mouth of it in blasphemy (irreverence) toward God, to blasphemy the name of Him [through presumptuous claims], and (vehemently condemned) the temple of Him [the “Church of New Jerusalem” – portrayed as a city “adorned with precious stones,” “pearls,” and “gold” and clothed “ in bright, pure linen,” which respectively represents the glorious reflection of God’s presence], and those (called and chosen- the genuine warriors- of God and to the Lamb) tabernacling in Heaven (“to denote a place of worship, considered as the dwelling-place of God, regarded at the true place of worship”). And was given to it (the “beast’) to make war with the saints, and to [usurp their divinely sanctioned position, thusly to] overcome them. And was given to it authority over every tribe and tongue and nation [universal dominion as an invisible reign of terror among the visible]. And will worship it (rendering divine honors to it) all those dwelling on the earth, whose names are not written, in the life-book of the Lamb, which was slain from the foundation the world.”
MacArthur.- The words and deeds of this great and terrible monster (Antichrist) show that its true master is the devil. Several expressions of evil speech pile up here: proud words; blasphemies; blaspheme God; slander His name. To blaspheme means “to revile” or “defame someone in speech;” “to harm one’s reputation.” The slander God’s name is to defame His character.
The monster’s verbal assault on God and heaven became a physical assault against God’s people on earth. Its master – Satan – had determined to “make war” against those who obey God. One ways this will be carried out is through the monster who will conquer the saints. This can only mean that many Christians will be either imprisoned or killed. What a contrast to the beast’s loyal followers []: every tribe, people, language and nation.
The dragon gave his beloved beast authority to rule; the beast exercised that authority and parlayed it into global dominion.
In his great teaching concerning the end of the age, Jesus had warned his disciples: ‘For false Christ’s and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect- if that were possible” (Matt. 24:24). The present scene is the final fulfillment of Jesus’ prediction. The ones who will be led astray by the beast’s blasphemies are those whose names have not been written in the book of life. Of course, the reverse is also true” those whose names are written in the book will not worship the monster. The monster gained the allegiance []- and made citizens in his kingdom-

Study Notes: Antichrist’s evils will run rampant only for a short period of time. The consummation will reveal the slaughtered Lamb’s victory and rule for eternity. Planned from the creation of the world, his kingdom will endure forever and ever.
Mounce Commentary.- The beast is allowed to speak arrogantly and blaspheme for a period of forty-two months. Once again the model in the little horn of Daniel 7 with its “mouth that spoke boastfully” (Dan. 7:8), who is to “speak against the Most High” (Dan. 7:25) and “magnify himself above every god, and…say unheard-of things against the God of gods (Dan. 11:36). The “proud words” spoken by the beast are explained by the phrase that follows (“even blasphemies”).
To slander the name of God is to speak evil of all that He is and stands for.
Universal authority is given to the beast. It extends over every tribe, people, language, and nation. Although the saints are to be conquered by the beast, the real victory belongs to them. They are those who are “victorious over the beast”. In the crucial test of faith they relinquish their lives rather than their confidence in God. This is true victory!
The “creation of the world” refers to the creation of the visible order. Jesus speaks of a kingdom prepared since the creation of the world (Matt. 25:34). That is, the death of Christ was a redemptive sacrifice decreed in the counsels of eternity.

Barnes Commentary.- “And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things.” These arrogant claims consisted in the assertion of a divine right; in the power assumed over the liberty, the property, and the consciences of the people; in the arbitrary commands that were issued; and in the right asserted of giving absolute law. “And blasphemies.” That is, the whole power represented by the “beast” will be blasphemous [a defamation against God’s righteous and good character].
“And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme His name.” By his own arrogant claims; by his assumed authority in matters of conscience; by setting aside the divine authority; and by impious declarations in derogation of the divine claims.

(Post #30) The Days of the Beast

Revelation 13:3 “And marveled all the earth after the [scarlet] beast [being described as the lord of evil, the enemy of God and the tempter of human beings]; and they [those of the world in rebellion against God] worshiped the dragon [rendering to him divine honors] who gave authority to the beast [the Antichrist], and they [the gathered people seeking bid for worldwide dominion, and in such a posture as counterfeit firstfruits to God and to the Lamb] worshiped the beast [as though worthy of divine respect], saying ‘Who (is) like the beast [seeking a bid for worldwide dominion] who is able to make war with it [a worldwide network who attempts the enthronement of theocratic rule in the name of the Almighty God], who is able to make [a justifiable holy] war with it [a government of a state lead by officials who are regarded as divinely guided]?’”

Holman Commentary.- We do, however, learn the response of the whole world to this. They had refused to acknowledge God... Further, many theologians have noted that evil’s greatest triumphs occur when it mimics good. Although the dragon had lost its place in heaven, it still had plenty of power on earth.
Thus, the world’s people are so deceived that they worship Satan as God; they give the monster the divine status that belongs to Jesus. The monster is truly a pseudo (counterfeit)-Jesus, an Antichrist. Consider Psalm 89:6-8:
“For who in the skies above can
Compare with the Lord?
Who is like the Lord among
The heavenly beings?
In the council of the holy ones
God is greatly feared;
He is more awesome than all
Who surround Him.
O Lord God Almighty, who is
Like you?
Your are might, O Lord, and
Your faithfulness
Surrounds You.”
Ironside Commentary.- The days of the beast are the days referred to by our Lord Jesus Christ when He said that if it were possible the very elect would be deceived. But, thank God, he will preserve his own, even in that dreadful day.
Barnes Commentary.- “And they [the counterfeit firstfruits] worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast.” The word worship is not always, however used in a religious sense. It means, properly, to kiss; to kiss towards anyone; that is, to kiss his own hand and to extend it towards a person, in token of respect and homage. Then it means to show respect to one who is our superior; to kings and princes; to parents; and pre-eminently to God. The word, may be used here to mean that homage or reverence as to a higher power, was rendered to the “dragon;” not strictly that he was openly worshiped in a religious sense as God. And can anyone doubt that the homage thus rendered, so contrary to the law of God, and so much in derogation of His claims, was in fact homage rendered to this presiding spirit of evil?
“And they worshipped the beast.” That is, they did it, as is immediately specified, by saying that he was incomparable and invincible; in other words, that he was superior to all others and that he was almighty. Who is like unto the beast? That is, he is to be regarded as unequalled and as supreme. This was, in fact, ascribing honors to him which belonged only to God; and this was the manner in which that civil and secular power was regarded; to maintain that they were the vicegerents [appointed deputies] of heaven; to claim for themselves sacredness of character and of person; and to secure from the people a degree of reverence which was in fact idolatrous.

Study Note - If Such a Monster Reigns On Earth: Who is able to make war with him? Nothing was able to resist that absolute despotism (tyrannical rule and abuse of power- a “reign of terror”); and the authority of princes and rulers that were allied with the Antichrists rule was of the most absolute kind, and the subjugation of the world was complete…the darkness of “terrorism” prevailed. Under such a rule there was no civil, as there was no religious liberty; and the whole arrangement was so ordered as to subdue the world to an absolute and uncontrollable power.
Beale Commentary.- The allegiance of the ungodly multitudes now expresses itself in worship of the dragon “because he gave his authority to the beast.” “Worship” is a way of showing allegiance and praise.

Mounce Commentary.- The inhabitants of the earth worshiped not only the beast but the dragon as well – the one who has given his authority to the beast. Deification of secular power is in fact the worship of Satan. The motivation of worship is not the beast’s moral greatness but the awesome power of his might. The authority he (Antichrist) wields is the authority of Satan himself.

Poole’s Commentary.- And they worshipped the beast, saying, ‘Who is like the beast?’ Possibly worshipping in this latter clause is not to be understood of Divine adoration, but a civil subjection.

Revelation 13:5 “And was given to it (the “beast”, Antichrist) a mouth speaking great things (of arrogant claims in the assertion of a divine right – as though “firstfruits to God and to the Lamb”) and blasphemies (not so much directly spoken against God but as implied by self-deification- in forming a union of divinity with humanity)…”
(False Claims to Sacred Scripture – and Danger of Scripture When Taken Out of Context)
Consider (To whom does this psalm speak- to "terrorist or those that seek to stop them? The Rightful Firstfruits to God and to the Lamb):
PSALM 149:6-9
“May the praise of God be in their mouths and a double-edged sword in their hands, to inflict vengeance on the nations [through seizure and enforced dominion] and punishment on the peoples, to bind their kings with fetters, their nobles with shackles of iron, to carry out the sentence written against them.”
(Continuing Revelation 13) Verse 5 “…and was given to it [the Antichrist] authority to act forty-two months (the time allotted for Jerusalem, the righteous city fearing God to be trampled).”

A Teaching for Consideration – (A Disclaimer to Antichrist’s Claims)
RIGHTEOUSNESS- is defined as holy and upright living, in accordance with God’s standard. The word “righteousness” comes from a root word that means “straightness.” It refers to a state that conforms to an authoritative standard. Righteousness is a moral concept. God’s character is the definition and source of all righteousness. Therefore, the righteousness of human beings is defined in terms of God’s.
HOSEA 14:9 “’I (Jehovah) am as a green cypress. From Me your fruit [the state of bearing a tree of like kind] is found.”
The corporate unity of Man with God is tied to purity of heart and moral rectitude of life; being and doing right. The righteousness or justice of God is the divine holiness applied in moral government and the domain of law. As an attribute of God it is united with His holiness as being essential in His nature; it is legislative, as He is the righteous governor of all; and is administrative or judicial, as He is a just dispenser of rewards and punishments.
In theology, as in the Scriptures, the terms justice and righteousness are used synonymously. The justice of God is both an essential and relative attribute of the divine existence. It is a necessary outflow from the holiness of God.

In summary, the non-corrosive tempering agent of “righteousness,” keeps the standard of the law in tack, yet, provides a judicial “balance” for the maintenance of moral purity. In this capacity, the doing of judgment for the maintenance of righteousness- can surpass the letter of the law. Righteousness is a fruit of just judgment; the two go hand in hand.

(Post #29) Fatal Wound of Beast

(Your Jesus is NOT GOD say the Romans!)
Revelation 13:3 “And I (John) saw one of the heads (of dominion or dynasty - that of Rome) of it as having been slain to death (the deification of the Messiah did not prevail - for the Roman power which was in existence when Jesus was born was responsible for His death upon the cross) and (yet) the (fatal) wound of the death of it was healed.”

Holman Commentary.- The monster’s slaughter was as real as the Lamb’s slaughter; the monster’s healing was as real as the Lambs resurrection. We must be clear at one point here: the healing of the monster is far different and less important than the resurrection of the crucified Lamb. The resurrected Lamb is victorious for eternity.

Ironside Commentary.- It is the Roman power which was in existence when the Lord (Jesus) was born and was responsible for his death upon the cross. The Jews had no power at all unless it were ratified by Pilate, as representing Caesar. Therefore the Roman Empire, of which Pontius Pilate was the official representative, crucified the Lord of glory. It is true that Pilate simply gave the sentence called for by the Jews, and therefore they are held responsible for killing their Messiah. But the Roman procurator must face that clause, repeated over and over again through the centuries in the recitation of the Apostles’ Creed: “He was crucified under Pontius Pilate.” Pilate can never get away from that. It will stand against his record forever.

NOTE: In 313 A.D. Constantine allowed Christianity to be recognized and persecutions ended, thusly was healed, once again the wound of the death of it.

(Post #28) Dragon Gives Throne to Beast

Revelation 13:2 “And the dragon [that ancient serpent called the Devil or Satan- seeking to usurp the throne of God] gave to it [the Beast, the “Antichrist”] the power of it and the throne of it, and [was given to it] great authority [to exercise dominion on the earth].”

Already we have seen in Revelation 12, that the great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns…energized by Satan was seeking to destroy the man-child (the "Messiah").

Thomas Commentary.- The dragon is the source of the beast’s power and authority. The dragon works through the beast. The war is of Satan’s making, but the ruler and his empire is his tool for waging it.

MacArthur Commentary.- The dragon works his power through the beast, using him to make war against God. That will allow Antichrist to rise to power at God’s appointed time, and will temporarily let sin run its course. The Antichrist will share Satan’s throne, just as the true Christ shares his Father’s throne. Antichrist will possess great authority over the entire world [though it is underground- it is unseen]; he will have complete, unrestrained freedom of action and will answer to no one.
Some fine it incredible that anyone could rise to such a position of absolute authority. But there are parallels in human history, albeit on a much smaller scale. Inevitably, turmoil in society aids such a ruler’s rise to power. Dictators gain control by offering solutions to society’s seemingly unsolvable problems. Adolf Hitler, for example, took advantage of the chaotic economic and political conditions in Germany following World War I. He promised the German people that, under his leadership, their downtrodden nation would again rise to a place of prominence, power, and wealth. Desperate for a way out of their dilemma, many people belied his message. Eventually, the Nazi party grew so strong that Hitler was appointed chancellor of Germany. From that position he went on to seize absolute power. Antichrist, a dictator more powerful and evil than Hitler, will rise to power amid the frightening and unprecedented chaos of the Tribulation.

[(Information Acquired Through Terrorist Interweaving In Christian Literature) NOTE: World dominion will be achieved through stealth…and secrecy. The Antichrist’s throne, power and authority will not be detected as a visible dominion until the “Day” his underground forces have (deceptively) acquired “key” positions- worldwide. They will set the world stage- then advance as a unit removing any obstacle in their way. That day, if allowed to occur, will be of mayhem for the unwary and a day of great slaughter of mankind- such as the world has never known.]

Mounce Commentary.- The beast …will be in a final intensified manifestation- the deification of secular authority. It is a “counterfeit power” that is self-centered, behaves as if it were fully autonomous (self-governing), and demands total allegiance and excessive praise.
In any case, the main purpose of the Seer (John) is to describe a monster great and terrifying who utters blasphemies against God and persecutes the faithful. It is of crucial importance to note that the beast (Antichrist) receives his power, dominion, and authority from he dragon. Through it Satan would carry out his plan to devastate and devour the church.