REVELARION 17:9-11 “The seven heads (fig., representing fallen and active world empires that oppressed the nation Israel over the course of history) are seven mountains (dynasties, or forms of government), where the woman (the spirit- the “vital principle” of idolatry who rides upon them– as a dominant ruler of the world,) sits (to abide sovereign) on them; and the (earthly) kings (having had dominion) are seven: the five (past empires, within the course of ancient history) fell, [(1) Egypt, (2) Assyria, (3) Ancient Babylon, (4) Persia, (5) The Greek Kingdoms- “Alexander The Great”] and the one (the 6th head – Rome) is (currently in existence, having prevailed throughout the great part of Europe to become the basis of civilization which we now know), the other (the 7th head, representing the dominion of the Antichrist) not yet came (into existence at the time of John’s writing), a little he must remain. And the beast (that will come out of the earth, the Great Harlot, the “Babylonian Empire”) which was (in existence in past history, for the literal Empire) and is not (any longer in existence as an independent nation), even he is eighth (head), and of the seven it is, and to perdition it goes.”
REVELARION 17:9-11 “The seven heads (fig., representing fallen and active world empires that oppressed the nation Israel over the course of history) are seven mountains (dynasties, or forms of government), where the woman (the spirit- the “vital principle” of idolatry who rides upon them– as a dominant ruler of the world,) sits (to abide sovereign) on them; and the (earthly) kings (having had dominion) are seven: the five (past empires, within the course of ancient history) fell, [(1) Egypt, (2) Assyria, (3) Ancient Babylon, (4) Persia, (5) The Greek Kingdoms- “Alexander The Great”] and the one (the 6th head – Rome) is (currently in existence, having prevailed throughout the great part of Europe to become the basis of civilization which we now know), the other (the 7th head, representing the dominion of the Antichrist) not yet came (into existence at the time of John’s writing), a little he must remain. And the beast (that will come out of the earth, the Great Harlot, the “Babylonian Empire”) which was (in existence in past history, for the literal Empire) and is not (any longer in existence as an independent nation), even he is eighth (head), and of the seven it is, and to perdition it goes.”
(Prehistory Preview)
REVELATION 17:12-14 “’And the ten horns which you saw [on the Beast with the Seven heads], are ten kings [the heads of the ten tribes of Israel comprising the Northern Kingdom- the Christians], who a [unified] kingdom not yet received [they are persons of distinguished honor forming the heads of a loose tribal confederation], but will receive authority as kings [over their own independent tribes] one hour [independently yet] with the [scarlet] Beast [in a time frame of these events] ’”
Verse 13 “’These [the loose tribal confederation of Christians] have one mind [though wholly independent of each other, they are united in promoting the same ultimate end- to profess belief in the teachings of Jesus Christ], and the power and the authority of themselves [as demi gods] to the [scarlet] beast they shall give up [acknowledging his designs to be abominable]. These [of the scarlet beast, the “Synagogue of Satan”] with the Lamb [the “Mighty God”- having left his life as a quilt offering for the offences within the Jewish Levitical Priesthood] will make war, and the Lamb will overcome them because Lord of lords he is and King of kings, and those with him (the) called and elect [the armies of heaven- the “prophetic soldiers”- the prophets having borne the “Word of God” as the ultimate revelation of God’s will to man] and [those with the Lamb will be the] faithful ones [the glorified believers who will follow and accompany Christ into the battle ].’”
Verse 15 “And he (the angel, who came to me to show me the judgment of the great harlot), says to me, ‘The waters which you saw, where the harlot (the center of a formidable political world power involved in a secret bid for worldwide domination), sits, are peoples[joined together by the common bonds of society- distinguished from magistrates- free citizens, even heathens and Gentiles] and [disorganized] crowds [common people and the rabble], even nations and tongues [hypothetically the deceptively lead puppeteer members of the Bilderberg Group]. And the ten horns which you saw on the beast [the loose tribal confederation of Christians- claiming Jesus Christ to be the “Mighty God”], these will hate the harlot [the city of Babylon seeking bid for worldwide dominion], and will make her desolated and naked [lacking of any and all spiritual clothing- strip her of all her power and all her attractiveness], and the flesh of her they will eat [utterly and completely obliterate all vestiges of the false religious system used to gain control of the world by the Antichrist and his henchmen], and will burn her down with fire [so to be consumed in total and absolute destruction]. For God gave in to the hearts of them to do the mind of Him, and to do one mind, and to give the kingdom of them to the beast, until should be completed the words of God."
PSALM 149:6-9 “May the praise of God be in their mouths and a double-edged sword in their hands, to inflict vengeance on the nations [through seizure and enforced dominion] and punishment on the peoples, to bind their kings with fetters, their nobles with shackles of iron, to carry out the sentence written against them [to bring back the boundaries of the law].”
REVELATION 17:12-14 “’And the ten horns which you saw [on the Beast with the Seven heads], are ten kings [the heads of the ten tribes of Israel comprising the Northern Kingdom- the Christians], who a [unified] kingdom not yet received [they are persons of distinguished honor forming the heads of a loose tribal confederation], but will receive authority as kings [over their own independent tribes] one hour [independently yet] with the [scarlet] Beast [in a time frame of these events] ’”
Verse 13 “’These [the loose tribal confederation of Christians] have one mind [though wholly independent of each other, they are united in promoting the same ultimate end- to profess belief in the teachings of Jesus Christ], and the power and the authority of themselves [as demi gods] to the [scarlet] beast they shall give up [acknowledging his designs to be abominable]. These [of the scarlet beast, the “Synagogue of Satan”] with the Lamb [the “Mighty God”- having left his life as a quilt offering for the offences within the Jewish Levitical Priesthood] will make war, and the Lamb will overcome them because Lord of lords he is and King of kings, and those with him (the) called and elect [the armies of heaven- the “prophetic soldiers”- the prophets having borne the “Word of God” as the ultimate revelation of God’s will to man] and [those with the Lamb will be the] faithful ones [the glorified believers who will follow and accompany Christ into the battle ].’”
Verse 15 “And he (the angel, who came to me to show me the judgment of the great harlot), says to me, ‘The waters which you saw, where the harlot (the center of a formidable political world power involved in a secret bid for worldwide domination), sits, are peoples[joined together by the common bonds of society- distinguished from magistrates- free citizens, even heathens and Gentiles] and [disorganized] crowds [common people and the rabble], even nations and tongues [hypothetically the deceptively lead puppeteer members of the Bilderberg Group]. And the ten horns which you saw on the beast [the loose tribal confederation of Christians- claiming Jesus Christ to be the “Mighty God”], these will hate the harlot [the city of Babylon seeking bid for worldwide dominion], and will make her desolated and naked [lacking of any and all spiritual clothing- strip her of all her power and all her attractiveness], and the flesh of her they will eat [utterly and completely obliterate all vestiges of the false religious system used to gain control of the world by the Antichrist and his henchmen], and will burn her down with fire [so to be consumed in total and absolute destruction]. For God gave in to the hearts of them to do the mind of Him, and to do one mind, and to give the kingdom of them to the beast, until should be completed the words of God."
PSALM 149:6-9 “May the praise of God be in their mouths and a double-edged sword in their hands, to inflict vengeance on the nations [through seizure and enforced dominion] and punishment on the peoples, to bind their kings with fetters, their nobles with shackles of iron, to carry out the sentence written against them [to bring back the boundaries of the law].”