Friday, July 31, 2009

Desolate One

JEREMIAH 4:31 “And you O desolate one, what will you do? Though you dress with crimson, though you put on ornaments of gold though you enlarge with paint your eyes, in vain beautify yourself, lovers despise you; they will seek your life.”
Verse 31 “For a voice like a woman in labor I have heard, the anguish as one bearing her first child, the voice of the daughter of Zion gasping, and spreading out her palms. Woe not (is) to me, for my soul faints because of murderers.’”

LAMENTATION 4:17-20 “Moreover, our eyes failed, looking in vain for help; from our towers we watched for a nation that could not save us. Our pursuers were swifter than eagles in the sky; they chased us over the mountains and lay in wait for us in the desert. The Lord’s anointed [having been initiated into the prophetic office], our very life breath, was caught in their traps. We thought that under his shadow we would live among the nations.’”

Intercessory Hosts

ISAIAH 66:15 “For, behold, Jehovah will come with [judgmental] fire, and His chariots [the might of His intercessory hosts- in a conspicuous display of power and influence will be] like the tempest, to bring back [at the appointed time] His fury in wrath, and His rebuke in flames of fire [to judge and punish His enemies].”

PSALM 104:3 “[It is Jehovah] who sets thick clouds [of protecting obscurity] (as) His chariot [of intercessory conveyance- in the upper chambers]; who marches [forward unrestrained by time or matter] on the wings of the wind.”

Barnes Commentray.- The principal idea here is, that He would come with immense rapidity, like a chariot that was borne forward as on the whirlwind, to destroy His foes. God is often represented as coming in a chariot- a chariot of the clouds, or of a whirlwind.

EZEKIEL 1:4 “And I (Ezekiel) looked, and behold, a wind of storm come out of the north, a great cloud…”
Disaster From the North -
JEREMIAH 4:10-13 “At that time it will be said to this people and to Jerusalem, ‘A hot wind (from) the bare heights in the desert toward the daughter of My people- not to winnow nor to cleanse! A wind more full than these shall come for Me. Now, also I (Jehovah) will utter judgments against them.’”
Verse 13 “Behold, like clouds he [the king of Babylon] will come up, and like a windstorm his chariots; are swifter than eagles his horses. Woe to us, for we are devastated!”

Your Eyes Shall See The Reward Of The Wicked

ISAIAH 66:15 “For, behold, Jehovah will come with [judicial] fire, and His chariots [the might of His intercessory hosts- in a conspicuous display of power and influence will be] like the tempest, to bring back [at the appointed time] His fury in wrath, and His rebuke in flames of fire [to judge and punish His enemies].”
Spurgeon Commentary.- “Only with your eyes shall you behold and see the reward of the wicked.” The sight shall reveal both the justice and the mercy of God; in them that perish the severity of God will be manifest, and in the believer’s escape the richness of divine goodness will be apparent.
PSALM 91:9 “Because You O Jehovah, (are) my refuge; you make the Most High your habitation not shall befall you evil [of divinely sanctioned punishment], and plague [associated with legal liability and civil prosecution] not shall come near your tent. For His angles [divine mediators assigned with the special task of caring for the nation Israel] He [Jehovah] will order for you [unavailing and disclosing hidden things, revelations concerning the consummation of God’s eternal kingdom] and to keep you [safeguarded] in all your ways, on their palms they shall bear you up, least you dash your foot on a stone.”
PSALM 1 “Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked [the “unrighteous"- the lovers of violence]; and not has [in a supporting posture] stood in the way of sinners [who pass over the prohibited limits- erroring from the path of duty to violate positive and known obligations]; and in the seat of scorners [rebuking the wisdom of God- treating the virtue of religion with contempt and scorn, not has sat- so to become one of them- by occupying a seat with them through deliberate association]. But only in the law of Jehovah is (his) [the “blessed” man’s] delight [found in the truth of God], in His [written] law [codes and specific regulations] he meditates day and night. And he will be like a [“valuable and productive”] tree planted by the rivulets of waters, which its fruit will give in its season and its leaf will not wither; and all which he does will prosper.”
“Not so (are) the wicked; but only (are) [worthless] chaff [having no stability] which the wind drives about.”
Verse 5 “Therefore the wicked will not stand [among those acquitted or approved] in the judgment, nor sinners [who pass over the prohibited limits- erroring from the path of duty to violate positive and know obligations] in the company of the righteous.”
ISAIAH 66:15 “For, behold, Jehovah will come with [judgmental] fire, and His chariots [the might of His intercessory hosts in a conspicuous display of power and influence will be] like the tempest, to bring back [at the appointed time] His fury in wrath, and His rebuke in flames of fire [to judge and punish His enemies].”
Barnes Commentary.- Fire is a common emblem to denote the coming of the Lord to judge and punish His enemies.” This is a general promise that God would defend His church, and destroy His foes [NOTE: Anti-Christ- "God Manifest" VS Jesus "Mighty God"] …and thus extend protection to His people. That truth is enough for His church to know; that truth should be sufficient to fill a wicked world with alarm. “And with His chariots like a whirlwind.” The principal idea here is, that He would come with immense rapidity [with the might of His intercessory host- in a conspicuous display of power], like a chariot that was borne forward as on the whirlwind, to destroy His foes. God is often represented as coming in a chariot- a chariot of the clouds, or of a whirlwind.

PSALM 104:1-4 “O Jehovah, my God You are very great; majesty and honor You have put on, covering Yourself like a cloak (with) light [of pristine holiness]; stretching out the heavens [the exalted heights] like a curtain [over a supported framework of accurate measure]; who lays beams [shafts of divine light] in the waters (of) [an ever flowing torrent- of righteous judgment giving support to] His upper rooms [of divine command]; [it is Jehovah] who sets thick clouds [of protecting obscurity] (as) His chariot [of intercessory conveyance in the upper chambers]; who marches [forward unrestrained by time and matter] on the wings of the wind.”

The Hand Of God Shall Be Known

ISAIAH 66:14 “And shall be known the hand of Jehovah toward His servants [“manifested in their behalf”], and He shall rage (over) His enemies.”
Calvin Commentary.- He says, that when the fine weather shall smile upon them, there shall be such a distinction between the good and the bad, as to make manifest this hand, which formerly was in some measure hidden; because He will no longer conceal Himself, or permit the wicked to ravage without control, but will openly show how great is his solicitude about His people. If therefore for a time the enemies have the superiority, and pursue their lawless course without being punished, if we appear to be overlooked and destitute of all assistance, let us not despair; for the time will come when the Lord will reveal Himself, and will rescue us from their assaults and tyranny.
Henry Commentary.- God’s mercy and justice shall both be manifested and forever magnified.
God will not only give them cause to rejoice, but will speak comfort to them, will speak it to their hearts; and it is He only that can do that, and make it fasten there. See what He will do for the comfort of all the sons of Zion. Their country shall be their tender nurse: You shall be carried on her sides, under her arms as little children are [in the tenderest of care, drawing to their advantage- from a land of extraordinary fertility- ample food supply and blessing], and shall be dangled upon her knees, as darlings are [being shown affectionate regard], especially when they are weary and out of humor, and must be got to sleep.
They shall feel the blessed effects of this comfort in their own souls: When you see this, what a happy state the church is restored to, not only your tongues and your countenances, but your hearts shall rejoice. Your heart shall rejoice and your joy no man takes from you. Then your bones, that were dried and withered (the marrow of them quite exhausted), shall recover a youthful strength and vigor and shall flourish like a herb. Divine comforts reach the inward man; they are marrow and moistening to the bones. The bones are the strength of the body; those shall be made to flourish which these comforts.

The King Of The Jews

ISAIAH 66:7 “Before she [the city of David] travailed, she gave birth; before pain came to her, then she deliver a male [the “Messiah, the “Mighty God”]. Who has heard like this? Who has seen like these? Shall the earth travail in one day? Shall be born a nation (in) one step. For also [afterward] Zion [the city of David] travailed (and) brought forth her sons. Shall I bring to the birth and not cause to bring forth [the birth of the “Messiah”]? Surely I cause birth [of the “Messiah”], and restrain [then shut the womb],’ says your God.”
MICAH 5:1-3 “And you Bethlehem Ephratha, least being among the thousands of Judah, out of you, to Me he [the “Messiah”] shall come forth to become one ruling in Israel, and his comings forth (have been) from of old from the days of eternity. Therefore He will give them [the saints who are of the earth] (over) until the time the one [the “daughter of Zion”- of the City of David] giving birth has given birth; then the rest of his brothers [the scattered and dispersed flock] shall return to the sons of Israel."
"And he [ Jesus, the “Messiah” - manifesting the witness of the Mighty One of Israel] shall stand [as the embodiment of the Word of the Almighty God made flesh] and pasture (us) in the strength of Jehovah, in the majesty of the name of Jehovah his God, and they [the redeemed] shall [favorably] sit, for now he [the “risen” Messiah] is great to the ends of the earth.”
Barnes Commentary.- A nation is brought into existence by degrees. Its institutions are matured gradually, and usually by the long process of years. But here is an event as remarkable as if a whole nation should be born at once, and stand before the world, mature in its laws, its civil institutions, and in all that constitutes greatness.
“Shall I bring to the birth?” The sense of this verse is plain. It is, that God would certainly accomplish what He had here predicted, and for which He had made ample arrangements and preparations. He would not commence the work, and then abandon it. The meaning is that God designed the great and sudden increase of His church; that the plan was long laid; and that, having done this, He would not abandon it, but would certainly effect his designs.

The Birth of the Messiah

ISAIAH 66:7 “Before she [the city of David] travailed, she gave birth..."

Judgment & Hope

ISAIAH 66 “Thus says Jehovah: Heaven (is) My throne [the seat of royal government] and earth [the abode of man] the stool of My feet. And where then (is) the place of My rest? And all these things My hand has made, and exist all these things,’ states Jehovah.”
MacArthur Commentary.- Isaiah began the final summary of his prophecy with a reminder that God is not looking for a temple of stone; as Creator of all things, the whole universe is His dwelling place.
“And where is this place of My rest?” And yet the Lord had said of the temple, "This is My rest for ever; here will I dwell, for I have chosen it.”
ISAIAH 66:2 “But to this one I will look, to the afflicted and contrite of spirit, and trembling at My word.”
ISAIAH 66:5 “Hear the word of Jehovah, those who tremble at His word: ‘Your brothers hating you have said, driving you out [of the temple] for My name’s sake Jehovah is glorified!’’
Verse 5 “But He (Jehovah) shall appear in your joy, and they shall be ashamed.”
Barnes Commentary.- This is an address to the pious and persecuted portion of the nation. It is designed for their consolation, and contains the assurance that Jehovah would appear in their behalf, and that they should be under His protecting care though they were cast out by their brethren. To whom this refers has been a question with expositors.
The most malignant and cruel persecutions of the friends of God have been originated under the pretext of great zeal in His service, and with a professed desire to honor His name. So it was with the Jews when they crucified the Lord Jesus.
It is no evidence of piety that a man is full of conscientious zeal against those whom he chooses to regard as heretics. And it should always be regarded as proof of a bad heart, and a bad cause, when a man endeavors to inflict pain and disgrace on others, on account of their religious opinions, under pretence of great regard for the honor of God. “But He shall appear to your joy.” The sense is, that God would manifest Himself to His people as their vindicator, and would ultimately rescue them from their persecuting foes.
ISAIAH 66:6 “A sound of roaring from the city [when human aspirations have gone beyond the limits of the law- in the day of great slaying], a sound from the temple, the sound of Jehovah [in response] repaying recompense [through retributive measures of justice, in perfection of Divine vengeance] to His enemies [to those seeking to usurp the throne of God].”
Barnes Commentaryl- There is a remarkable abruptness in the whole description here. The preceding verse was calm and solemn. It was full of affectionate assurance of the Divine favor to those whom the prophet saw to be persecuted. Here the scene suddenly changes. The vision passes to the agitating events which were occurring in the city and the temple, and to the great and sudden changes which would be produced in the condition of the church of God. There can be no doubt that the prophet, in vision, sees Jehovah taking recompense on His enemies- for that is expressly specified. Here we may observe- that it is recompense taken on those who had cast out their brethren. It is vengeance taken in the midst of this tumult.

Young Commentary.- The enemies are those just mentioned, the disobedient nation that has cast out the true seed. What is heard (“the sound of roaring”) is a tumult, a word that suggests the tumult of war and the noise of battle. It is most appropriate to indicate that the wrathful judgment of God is about to break forth upon His enemies.
It is the promised day of vengeance of God, who is about to complete the requital [returning a compensation] of His enemies. From that city in which He would perform His great act of redemption, God thunders forth in judgment to destroy His enemies.