JOHN 3:16-19 (Jesus Taught) “’For God so loved the world, so as the Son of Him, the only-begotten [having close knowledge of the nature and designs of the Father], He gave [to fulfill as a living witness to this testimony], that everyone believing into him [to be the truth, the life and the way] may not perish, but have everlasting life. For God did not send the son of Him into the world that he judge the world but that the world may be saved via him. The (one) believing into him [bearing patiently through the trials, remaining faithful to duty, feeding and carrying for the sheep] is not condemned; but he (the one) not believing [calling themselves to be Jews practicing Judaism free from blemishing imperfections- victimizing the innocent to offset the punishment of their own guilt] has already been judged, for he has not believed into the (pristine) name (the royal entitlement) of the only-begotten son of God."
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Serpent in the Wilderness - Jewish Salvation
JOHN 3:12-15 (Jesus Taught) “’If earthly things I told you and you do not believe, how will you believe if I tell you the heavenly things? And no one has gone up into Heaven [under the pretense of self-reparation for offenses of sin of the “iniquitous gifts” of the son’s of Israel] except he [who neither borrowed from grace nor loaned from mercy- witnesses as the one- to be lead before the Ancient of Days] out of heaven coming down [a man of contention to all the land], the son of man, who is in heaven [an exalted place- revealing the prophetic witness to the final events in the history of the world].’”
Verse 14 “’And as (accordingly) Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so to must be lifted up the son of man that every one believing in him may not perish but have everlasting life [through the turning away from sin].’”
Verse 14 “’And as (accordingly) Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so to must be lifted up the son of man that every one believing in him may not perish but have everlasting life [through the turning away from sin].’”
PSALM 51:18-21 (A Song Of David) “’For not You (Jehovah) desire sacrifice ["iniquitous gifts" – inclusive of self-reparation for the offenses of sin] that I should give; burnt offering not You delight in. The sacrifices of God (are) a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, You will not despise.’”
Verse 20 “’Do good in Your pleasure to Zion; build the walls of Jerusalem. Then You shall delight in sacrifices of [and in accordance to] righteousness [the expiation of sin through the calves of the lips- in confession of sin and repentance], burnt offerings [ending the sin] and whole offerings [manifest in true reformation of life]; then they [the redeemed] make go up on Your altar bullocks [through righteous legal action taken against the wicked and treacherous in place of the upright].’”
Purification & Cleansing - Teaching For Jews
("Study Notes": - Quote Out of Context & Altered - From Commentator)
“To believe in the crucified one- is to want no other victims of ritual killing. To depend on the blood of Jesus is to refuse to depend on the sacrificial blood offerings of the Levitical priesthood. It is to swear off scapegoats. Sacred redemption - (by way of the "guilt offering" - the "blood of the Lamb") promises offerings of future atonement within the priesthood in accordance to righteousness.”
“Seen from this perspective, the somewhat obscure actions of Christ make complete sense. Jesus, in the role of a victorious Messiah defeated the opposing evil of the “iniquitous gift” by a direct battle. God would never build a new world on “ritual murder”. God found a way- once and for all- to turn to "good" what man had founded in evil.”
“Jesus steps into this double bind and overcome it. No other than the Messiah could. This task is appointed to him alone. No ordinary victim could change the process, could uncover what was obscured in the constant practice of scapegoating.”
“To submit passively to the sacrificial mechanism would do nothing to change it. That only smooths the way for future victims and condemns them to invisibility. Such is the dilemma, the malignant wisdom of an evil that we seem doomed to serve whichever way we turn. Humanity is caught in this bondage, caught without even being able to name it directly. We know not what we do.”
“Redemptive violence (the "blood of the Lamb")- was a means of overcoming the sin, removing the pollution and punishing the transgression on the people that has brought disaster on the community. The sin that the Messiah overcame was the offense of the scapegoat, for it was the sin of the one that jeopardized the many.”
“Only a Jew, representing the “guilt” of the nation of priests could undeniably vindicate many, by suffering this sacrifice, to reverse it. The work of the cross is the work of a transcendent (awe-inspiring) God, breaking into a cycle we could not change alone. It is a saving act of God, a victory over the powers of this world, a defeat of death.”
“Seen from this perspective, the somewhat obscure actions of Christ make complete sense. Jesus, in the role of a victorious Messiah defeated the opposing evil of the “iniquitous gift” by a direct battle. God would never build a new world on “ritual murder”. God found a way- once and for all- to turn to "good" what man had founded in evil.”
“Jesus steps into this double bind and overcome it. No other than the Messiah could. This task is appointed to him alone. No ordinary victim could change the process, could uncover what was obscured in the constant practice of scapegoating.”
“To submit passively to the sacrificial mechanism would do nothing to change it. That only smooths the way for future victims and condemns them to invisibility. Such is the dilemma, the malignant wisdom of an evil that we seem doomed to serve whichever way we turn. Humanity is caught in this bondage, caught without even being able to name it directly. We know not what we do.”
“Redemptive violence (the "blood of the Lamb")- was a means of overcoming the sin, removing the pollution and punishing the transgression on the people that has brought disaster on the community. The sin that the Messiah overcame was the offense of the scapegoat, for it was the sin of the one that jeopardized the many.”
“Only a Jew, representing the “guilt” of the nation of priests could undeniably vindicate many, by suffering this sacrifice, to reverse it. The work of the cross is the work of a transcendent (awe-inspiring) God, breaking into a cycle we could not change alone. It is a saving act of God, a victory over the powers of this world, a defeat of death.”
PSALM 50:14 “’Sacrifice (offer) to God thanksgiving [as a tribute of gratitude for His divine grace and goodness]; and repay to the Most High your vows [in affirmation of faithful obedience to the Law and Will of God- ]. And call upon Me in the day of distress [when pressed hard to a point]; I will save you [as a nation of priests] and you will glorify Me.’”
Verse 15 "...and he who sets a way, I will show him the salvation of God.’”
(Justification by Law)
(Continuing: "Study Notes" - Out of Context Quote & Altered Quote) “It is God alone who can reveal the entire reality of the sacrificial process, reverse it through the resurrection of Christ, and structure an alterative option for human solidarity.”
“This is why Christ is explicated in the New Testament as the truth, the life and the way.”
“True teachings are dangerous, the Buddha is supposed to have said. And the best teachings are the most dangerous. The theology of the cross can be the best or the worst. The two are poised close together. The cross is a kind of intersection, where different atonements meet.”
“The Romans are at odds with the Judean Jews. Jewish factions are at odds with each other. The Romans are afraid of rebellion. The religious leaders are afraid of repression. Pilate is ready to make Jesus a politically redemptive sacrifice, to keep his contagious preaching from stirring social crisis. Some of the chief priests are ready to make Jesus a religiously redemptive sacrifice, to keep his blasphemy and sin from contaminating the community.”
“They all expect Jesus’ death to have a reconciling effect on this situation.”
“We have gone astray if we think that God endorses the mechanism of scapegoating sacrifice and of which the crucifixion is just the largest and most powerful example. The sacrificial process is turned inside out. Sacrifice is turned against sacrifice.”
“This is why Christ is explicated in the New Testament as the truth, the life and the way.”
“True teachings are dangerous, the Buddha is supposed to have said. And the best teachings are the most dangerous. The theology of the cross can be the best or the worst. The two are poised close together. The cross is a kind of intersection, where different atonements meet.”
“The Romans are at odds with the Judean Jews. Jewish factions are at odds with each other. The Romans are afraid of rebellion. The religious leaders are afraid of repression. Pilate is ready to make Jesus a politically redemptive sacrifice, to keep his contagious preaching from stirring social crisis. Some of the chief priests are ready to make Jesus a religiously redemptive sacrifice, to keep his blasphemy and sin from contaminating the community.”
“They all expect Jesus’ death to have a reconciling effect on this situation.”
“We have gone astray if we think that God endorses the mechanism of scapegoating sacrifice and of which the crucifixion is just the largest and most powerful example. The sacrificial process is turned inside out. Sacrifice is turned against sacrifice.”
ISAIAH 66:3 “’But whoever sacrifices a bull [as a substitute offering for sin, in lieu of repentance is] like one who kills [the eternal soul of] a man, and whoever offers a lamb [the life blood of the innocent in payment for the guilty, is] like one who breaks a dogs neck [further depriving the sinner of conscious guilt for wrongdoing]; he offering a present [the life blood of the guilty- as a charge levied by human authority
"The sacrificial process is turned inside out. Sacrifice is turned against sacrifice. The legal demands of the law have been meet in the innocent 'blood of the Lamb.'"
PSALM 49:8-10 “A man can not at all redeem (release) a brother [from the righteous demands of the law]; and give not to God a ransom [a sacrificial payment] for him- for the redemption of their soul [from the consequence of sin] is precious, and it [the unredeemed soul] ceases forever- for he [the redeemed man] shall yet live forever; not he shall see corruption [of the soul in the grave].”
NOTE: Proverbs 21:18 “The [demand for righteous legal action against the] wicked [shall be] a ransom [a means of release for] the righteous; and in the place of the upright (shall be) the treacherous.”
Pruification of the Sons of Levi
MALACHI 3:2-4 “’Behold, he [the “Messiah”] comes, ‘ says Jehovah of hosts, ‘But who can endure the day of his coming [into his everlasting dominion]? And who (will be) standing at his appearing [when he has gained conquest- thusly to “break the seals” and open the scroll of the book]? For he (is) like a refiners fire and like fullers soap [to wash white the stain that is there]. And he shall sit [in the posture of] a refiner and purifier of silver [to consume the impurities within]; and he shall purity the sons of Levi [the great company of priest], and purge them like gold and like silver, that they may be to Jehovah presenters of offering [of atonement's] in [accordance to] righteousness."
Guilt of Nation Israel
(A New Unbiased Perspective)
ISAIAH 53:10 “But Jehovah pleased [as His desired will] to crush him, to make him sick [inundated and beleaguered], if he shall put his soul a guilt offering [a ransom payment- ], he shall see seed [for with his blood he shall purchase men for God to be a kingdom and priest to serve our God], he shall prolong days and the pleasure of Jehovah in his hand shall prosper.
Guilt of Nation Israel
Iniquity of the Sacred Gifts
Iniquity of the Sacred Gifts
(Sins of Judah Written on Horns of Altar - Jeremiah 17:1)
EXODUS 28:38 “And it (the turban) shall be upon Aaron’s forehead, that Aaron may bear the iniquity of the holy things (the sacred gifts, whatever they may be), which sanctify (free from punishment) the sons of Israel, to all their holy gifts; and it shall be on his forehead continually, for acceptance for them before Jehovah.”
QUOTE - (Study Notes - from Biblical Commentator): “Such is the dilemma, the malignant wisdom of an evil that we seem doomed to serve whichever way we turn. Humanity is caught in this bondage, caught without even being able to name it directly. We know not what we do.”
King of the Jews
ISAIAH 53:8 “For he was cut off from the land of the living; from the trespass [the murderous conspiracy] of my people the stroke (was) to him. And he [by way of crucifixion] put his grave with the wicked [for according to the Jewish law anyone crucified was accounted as accursed by God]…”
NOTE: Provervs 21:18 “The [demand for righteous legal action against the] wicked [shall be] a ransom [a means of release for] the righteous; and in the place of the upright (shall be) the treacherous.”
ISAIAH 53:9 “And he [by way of crucifixion] put his grave with the wicked [as though one having met the legal demands for the law], and with a rich (man) [King David- through the fulfilling the prophecies] in his death though he [Jesus] had not done violence, and deceit (was) not in his mouth.”
(Out of Context Quote, via “Study Notes”): “There is more than one Messianic prophecy in the Old Testament that predicted that the line of kings that began with King David, about 3000 years ago, would be everlasting or eternal. History shows that most dynasties throughout history, throughout the world, were lucky if they lasted more than a few generations. Jesus is unique in his ability to fulfill this promise that God had made to David that his throne would endure forever.”
NOTE: Provervs 21:18 “The [demand for righteous legal action against the] wicked [shall be] a ransom [a means of release for] the righteous; and in the place of the upright (shall be) the treacherous.”
ISAIAH 53:9 “And he [by way of crucifixion] put his grave with the wicked [as though one having met the legal demands for the law], and with a rich (man) [King David- through the fulfilling the prophecies] in his death though he [Jesus] had not done violence, and deceit (was) not in his mouth.”
(Out of Context Quote, via “Study Notes”): “There is more than one Messianic prophecy in the Old Testament that predicted that the line of kings that began with King David, about 3000 years ago, would be everlasting or eternal. History shows that most dynasties throughout history, throughout the world, were lucky if they lasted more than a few generations. Jesus is unique in his ability to fulfill this promise that God had made to David that his throne would endure forever.”
Fulfillment of Prophecy
JESUS Not Abandoned to Garve
(Salvation of God Witnessed)
PSALM 16 (A Psalm Attributed to Jesus) “Keep me safe, O God, for in You I take refuge. I said to the Lord, ‘You are my Lord; apart from you I have no good thing.’ As for the saints who are in the land, they are the glorious ones in whom is all my delight. The sorrows of those will increase who run after other gods. I will not pour out their libations of blood or take up their names on my lips.”
Verse 5 “Lord, You have assigned me my portion and my cup; You have made my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance. I will praise the Lord, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me. I have set the Lord always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.”
Verse 9 “Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure, because You will not abandon me to the grave, nor will You let Your holy One see decay. You have made known to me the path of life; You will fill me with joy in Your presence, with eternal pleasures at Your right hand.”
Verse 5 “Lord, You have assigned me my portion and my cup; You have made my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance. I will praise the Lord, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me. I have set the Lord always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.”
Verse 9 “Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure, because You will not abandon me to the grave, nor will You let Your holy One see decay. You have made known to me the path of life; You will fill me with joy in Your presence, with eternal pleasures at Your right hand.”
The Crucifixion
ISAIAH 53:8 “For he was cut off from the land of the living; from the trespass [the murderous conspiracy] of my people the stroke (was) to him. And he [by way of crucifixion] put his grave with the wicked [for according to the Jewish law anyone crucified was accounted as accursed by God]…”
DEUTERONOMY 21:22 “…anyone who is hung on a tree (that is, crucified) is under God’s curse.” [NOTE: Jesus was cut off from the land of the living- from a murderous conspiracy of the people].
PSALM 50:15-23 “But to the wicked says God, ‘What (is it) to you to declare My statutes, and you take up My covenant on your mouth? And you hate discipline, and cast My words behind you? If you saw a thief you were please with him; and with adulterers (is) your part. Your mouth you send to evil, and your tongue frames deceit. You sit; against your brother you speak; the son of your mother (Sarah) you give fault. These things you have done, and I have kept silence; you though (that) being I would be like yourself; I will rebuke you, and set in order before your eyes. Now think of this you who forget God, least I tear and not is (any) delivering. He who sacrifices [giving an offering of] thanks [for the divine attribute of grace and mercy] glorifies Me, and he who sets a way, I will show him the salvation of God.’”
PSALM 50:15-23 “But to the wicked says God, ‘What (is it) to you to declare My statutes, and you take up My covenant on your mouth? And you hate discipline, and cast My words behind you? If you saw a thief you were please with him; and with adulterers (is) your part. Your mouth you send to evil, and your tongue frames deceit. You sit; against your brother you speak; the son of your mother (Sarah) you give fault. These things you have done, and I have kept silence; you though (that) being I would be like yourself; I will rebuke you, and set in order before your eyes. Now think of this you who forget God, least I tear and not is (any) delivering. He who sacrifices [giving an offering of] thanks [for the divine attribute of grace and mercy] glorifies Me, and he who sets a way, I will show him the salvation of God.’”
A Generation To Consider
ISAIAH 66:7 “Before she [the city of David] travailed, she gave birth; before pain came to her, then she delivered a male [the “Messiah, the “Mighty God”]. Who has heard like this? Who has seen like these? Shall the earth travail in one day? Shall be born a nation (in) one step."
MICAH 5:3-4 “Therefore He will give them [the saints who are of the earth] (over) until the time the one [the “daughter of Zion”- the City of David] giving birth has given birth; then the rest of his brothers [the scattered and dispersed flock] shall return to the sons of Israel. And he [the “Messiah” - manifesting the witness of the Mighty One of Israel] shall stand [as the embodiment of the Word of the Almighty God made flesh] and pasture (us) in the strength of Jehovah, in the majesty of the name of Jehovah his God, and they [the redeemed] shall [favorably] sit, for now he [the “risen” Messiah] is great to the ends of the earth.”
"What Crime Has He Committed?"
ISAIAH 53:7-12 “He [the “Lamb of God”] was oppressed and he was afflicted; but he did not open his mouth [unreservedly in defense of himself- but restrained himself before his accusers and tormenters]. As a lamb to the slaughter he was led; and as an [innocent] ewe before her shearers is dumb, so he opens not his mouth.”
Verse 8 “From prison and from justice he was taken; and his generation who shall consider?”
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