(Jewish Rendition)
ISAIAH 53:1-6 (The Prophet Isaiah Proclaimed) “’Who has believed our report? And the arm (strength) of Jehovah to whom is revealed. For the (the Lamb of God) come up as a shoot before Him, and as a root out of dry ground. Not (is) (priestly) form to him, and not (is) (Kingly) majesty that we should see him; and not an appearance that we should desire him (in such a posture); and abandoned of men, a man of pains and known of sickness [of ethical corruption]. And as hiding of faces from him; being despised and not we [as Jews] did value him.’”
Verse 4 “’Surely our [ever present moral and religious] sickness [written on the horn strength of the altar] he has borne and our plains he carried them; but we esteemed him plagued (beaten down), struck by God, and afflicted. But he was pierced for [the first step toward our own accountability], crushed for our [own nations] iniquities; the chastisement [the fetters] of our peace (was) on him; and with his wound [of scourging] we are healed ourselves. All we like sheep go astray; each man to his way we have turned and Jehovah has made meet in him the iniquity [the wrong-doing] of us all.’”