Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Woman and the Dragon

The Woman and the Dragon

Revelation 12:4-9 “And the dragon stood before the woman being about to bear, that, when she bears, the child of her he may devour (completely consuming, thus destroy him). And she bore a son, a male, who is about to shepherd all the nations (oppressing the Israel of God) with an iron staff. And was seized the child of her to God and the throne of Him (which signifies God’s acceptance of his future redemptive work of saving the nation Israel from an apparent irreversible decline, by thwarting the malignant intentions of the Red Dragon).”

Verse 6 “And the woman fled into the wilderness (an uninhabited, uncultivated track of land), where she has a place having been prepared from God, that there they might nourish her days a thousand two hundred (and) sixty.”

The 1200 days is the same duration of time as that of the “Two Witnesses” revealed in Chapter 11. There is a great deal of difference of onion as to the identity of the two witnesses, but their identity is essential for the understanding of this book.

Perhaps, while in the wilderness, the women has seen them, in a figurative sense, in the early days of their testimony, being they are two unknown witnesses- that is, they have had no previous existence, and they have not yet appeared on the scene. It is certain that they are human witnesses from the description of them.

Possibly the “two witnesses” are a symbolic represention of two of the “beheaded one’s” (men who were unjustly punished and utterly defeated by the Church), who attempted to rule with Christ for 1,000 years before the Great Tribulation. In such a posture they could have been viewed as, men untouched by the spirit of idolatry.

“And it shall be in that day, not there shall be light; the glorious ones will shrink. And it will be one day which shall be known to Jehovah; not day and not night, but it will be at the time of evening, there will be light”. Zechariah 13:6-6 Could this verse suggest God’s use of “film”, for instance, to provide insight to the woman during her days in the wilderness?

Perhaps she saw visions or prophetic revelations in a way that no one had ever seen before and in such a manner she received nourishment while in the trackless waste.

“(As Israel’s King), I and the Father, are One.”

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