The Name of Jehovah is a Tower of Strength
ISAIAH 33:6 “And Jehovah is exalted for (He) lives on high; He has filled Zion (with) justice and righteousness. And He will be the security of your times, wealth of salvation, wisdom, and knowledge; the fear of Jehovah [the hatred of evil], it (is) his [a kings] treasure.”
“Jehovah will be the security of the times, meaning that in those times knowledge of God and the fear of the Lord would be settled on a firm foundation. The times would be distinguished for great reforms.”
“He (Jehovah) the glorious Lord will display His glory for us and be a glory to us, such as shall eclipse the rival-glory of the emeny."
* God Manifest - Evil Incarnate
* Theocratic Oportunist on Earth
* Self-Deification Producing Terrorism on Earth
REVELATION 22:14 “Blessed [favored for success] (are) those doing the command of Him [fearing the Lord, walking in His ways and obeying Him], that will be the authority of them over the tree of life, and by the gates [of “Grace and Hope” for all humanity] they [(those) keeping to the paths of justice- safeguarding the rights and liberties of others, while maintaining the boundaries of the law] may enter into the city [of refuge]. But the dogs (are) outside [wickedly enraged and unpitying malicious wretches who hound the god fearers to their doom]…”
The Name of Jehovah is a Tower of Strength
PSALM 97:7-10 “All are ashamed who serve graven images [whether of an idol or a symbolical image in the likeness of Jehovah], those [are ashamed] who [defiantly disregard the word of God to] boast themselves in idols [forbidden objects of worship]; bow down before Him all [self-defied] gods [worshiped in the universe]. Zion heard and was glad; and rejoiced the daughter of Judah because of Your judgments, O Jehovah. For You, O Jehovah, (are) high above all the earth; for You are exalted above all the gods [the idols of the people].”
Verse 10 “You who love Jehovah, hate evil; He keeps the souls of His saints; out of the hand of the wicked He delivers them. Light [of the pristine holiness of God] is sown for the righteous; and gladness for the upright.”
PROVERBS 18:10 “The name of Jehovah [the Mighty God, by which His existence was known in the universe - who exemplified the characteristics of holiness] (is) a tower of strength; into it the righteous run and is exalted.”
The saint’s security is in God. The righteous, by faith and prayer, devotion towards God and dependence on Him, run into it, as their city of refuge.
Strong Refuge - Tower of Strength
TOWERS.- David’s Song began, “The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation. He is my stronghold, my refuge and my savior- from violent men You save me. I call to the Lord, who is worthy of praise, and I am saved from my enemies.” (2 Samuel 22:2-4)
Some towers were large enough to serve as citadels or fortresses into which the population of a village could retreat at a time of danger.
Towers are mentioned figuratively in reference to God’s protective power, and as a symbol of human strength.
PSALAM 91 “He who dwells in the covert of the Most High [living where God lives] shall abide (in) the Almighty’s shade.”
The New Interpreter’s Bible.- The noun “refuge,” especially when it is associated with God’s “wings”, originally may have referred to the practice of seeking sanctuary from persecutors in the Temple or to Israel’s experience of finding security in worship. If either is the case, the image was broadened to mean the entrusting of one’s whole shelf and life to God in every circumstance.
In the Shelter of the Most High
Gaebelein Commentary.- Psalm 91 contains both a wisdom psalm and a divine oracle. The wisdom psalm encourages the godly to pursue the path of godliness and holds out the many promises of God’s protection and blessings.
By using the third person impersonal (“he who dwells”), the palmist directs himself to anyone seeking wisdom. The blessings of godliness and the pursuit of wisdom are for all who seek God as their highest good in life. To this end he employs several names for God, Most High, the Almighty, the Lord, Jehovah and “my God”. He also encourages the reader by proclaiming that God is “my refuge and my fortress; my God in whom I trust.” The names of God evoke confidence, as they connote the power of the Creator-God as well as the endearing love of the covenant-God. Each of these characteristics are brought together in the confession: “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.”
Duncan Commentary.- “Under the shadow of the Almighty.” This is an expression which implies great nearness. We must walk very close to a companion, if we would have his shadow fall on us. Can we imagine any expression more perfect in describing the constant presence of God with His chosen ones, than that-they shall “Abide under His shadow”? And it is he who chooses to dwell in the “covert” of the Most High, who shall “abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” There is a condition and a promise, that if we do so we “shall abide under the shadow.”
Henry Commentary.- A great truth is laid down in general, that all those who live a life of communion with God are constantly safe under His protection, and may therefore preserve a holy serenity and security of mind at all time. He that by faith chooses God for his guardian shall find all that in Him which he needs or can desire. He is at home in God, returns to God, and reposes in Him as His rest; He acquaints himself with inward religion, and makes heart-work of the service of God.
Idolaters [worshiping a “lie”, or guilty of instituting a practice of abominable self-deification, whether the figure of a false deity or one in any way symbolical of Jehovah] called their idols their strong-hold, but therein they deceived themselves; those only secure themselves that make the Lord their God, their fortress. There being no reason to question His sufficiency, fitly does it follow, In Him will I trust. If Jehovah be our God, or refuge, and our fortress, what can we desire which we may not be sure to find in Him? He is neither fickle nor false, neither weak nor mortal; He is God and not mortal man, and therefore there is no danger of being disappointed in Him. We know whom we have trusted.
The great encouragement he gives to others to do likewise, not only from his own experience of the comfort of it, but from the truth of God’s promises, in which there neither is nor can be any deceit.
Security in God
Cook Commentary.- “The psalmist expressed his great confidence in the fact that whoever trust in the Most High finds security and protection. The titles of God in the verse (Most High and the Almighty) are significant, for they stress His power as the sovereign Ruler of the world.
The images of the shelter and the shadow vividly portray divine protection. “Shelter” is a hiding place. The shadow, perhaps the shadow of a bird’s wing, also pictures shelter and protection as well as comfort.
(Continuing Psalm 91) Verse 3 “For He delivers you from the fowler’s trap [saving you from the purposes of wicked men whose aspirations go beyond the limits of the law] from destructions plague.”
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