ISAIAH 2:17“And they [the following of the self-deified Anti-Christ] shall go into the caves of the rocks [recesses of unquestionable corruption], and into the holes of the dust [the secluded sites of refuge of the earth] from before the fear [the anxiety or apprehension] of Jehovah and from His majesty’s [titled] glory [of pristine holiness]; when He arises to make tremble the earth.”
Caves, in a negative context, are natural openings and hollows [places not easily accessible] in rocks of mountains and hills [sites of illicit and false worship]. Most caves mentioned in the Bible are those used as hiding places. Usually they are places of safety and rescue from harmful situations.
In a time of oppression the Israelites fled to the dens, and caves which are strongholds in the mountains.
Barnes Commentary.- The tops of such rocks were not easily accessible, and were therefore deemed places of safety. We may remark here, how vain were the refuges to which they would resort- as if they were safe from [the judgment of] God, when they had fled to the places in which they sought safety from man.
(Continuing Isaiah 2:12-22) Verse 20 “In that day man shall throw his idols of silver, and his idols of gold [doctrines of pristine holiness], which they [by means of self-deification] made for him [self] to worship, to the burrowers and to the bats [anywhere out of sight where the unclean lodge, the unclean to the unclean- all in an attempt to lift the arbitration of punishment over and above obedience to the Mighty God] , to [then, of necessity] go into the crevices of the rocks [from the consequence of unquestionable corruption and illegal activity] , and into the clefts of the cliffs [to avoid civil prosecution], [even] from before the dread [of judgment] of Jehovah [from their midst] and from His majesty’s [titled] glory [of pristine holiness], when He arises to make tremble the earth.”
In a time of oppression the Israelites fled to the dens, and caves which are strongholds in the mountains.
Barnes Commentary.- The tops of such rocks were not easily accessible, and were therefore deemed places of safety. We may remark here, how vain were the refuges to which they would resort- as if they were safe from [the judgment of] God, when they had fled to the places in which they sought safety from man.
(Continuing Isaiah 2:12-22) Verse 20 “In that day man shall throw his idols of silver, and his idols of gold [doctrines of pristine holiness], which they [by means of self-deification] made for him [self] to worship, to the burrowers and to the bats [anywhere out of sight where the unclean lodge, the unclean to the unclean- all in an attempt to lift the arbitration of punishment over and above obedience to the Mighty God] , to [then, of necessity] go into the crevices of the rocks [from the consequence of unquestionable corruption and illegal activity] , and into the clefts of the cliffs [to avoid civil prosecution], [even] from before the dread [of judgment] of Jehovah [from their midst] and from His majesty’s [titled] glory [of pristine holiness], when He arises to make tremble the earth.”
Oswalt Commentary (Paraphrased).- The ultimate in humiliation is depicted here. Human beings become troglodytes (cave dwellers- living in seclusion). Their ravenous ambition to be God has robbed them even of dignity. Had they submitted to God in recognition of His greatness and His right to rule in their lives, then they would have been His friends. But they refused the fear of the Lord, they now know terror of Him, for He now comes as their enemy and they have no defense. Here is the paradox of faith: to attempt to exalt oneself is to become nothing, adrift in a meaningless universe, in dread over nameless horrors which threaten them…
Henry Commentary (Paraphrased).- When the Lord alone shall be exalted He will not only pour contempt upon proud men, who exalt themselves against Him, but much more upon all pretended deities, who are rivals with Him for divine honors. They shall be abolished, utterly abolished. Their friends shall desert them; their enemies shall destroy them; so that, one way or other, an utter riddance shall be made of them. The rightful Sovereign will triumph over all pretenders.
Clarke Commentary (Expounded).- “They shall carry their idols [producing unquestionable doctrines of corruption and illegal activity] with them into the dark caverns, old ruins, or desolate places [the fittest places] to which they shall flee for refuge; and so shall…relinquish them to the filthy animals that frequent such place, and have taken possession of them as their proper habitation.
Poole’s Commentary.- Into the meanest and darkest places, in which moles and bats have their abode (they cast their idols); whereas before they set them up in high and honorable place, where they might be seen and worshipped…
Poole’s Commentary.- Into the meanest and darkest places, in which moles and bats have their abode (they cast their idols); whereas before they set them up in high and honorable place, where they might be seen and worshipped…
(Continuing Isaiah 2:12-22) Verse 22 “Cease yourself from man whose breath [of life] (is) in his nostril [whose life is momentary], for in what is he to be esteemed [without dependence upon God]?”
Barnes Commentary.- When God shall come to judge men, what can man do, who is weak, and frail, and mortal? Refuge should be sought in God.
Henry Commentary.- Put not your trust in man, nor make even the greatest and mightiest of men your confidence; cease to do so. Let not your eye be to the power of man, for it is finite and limited, derived (from the Creator) and depending; it is not from him that your judgment proceeds. Let not him be your fear, let not him be your hope; but look up to the power of God, to which all the powers of men are subject and subordinate; dread His wrath, secure His favor, take Him for you help, and let your hope be in the Lord your God.
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