REVELATION 19:11-16 “And I (John) saw Heaven having been opened, and behold, a white horse, and the (one) sitting on it being called faithful and true.”
Verse 12 “And in righteousness he judges and wars. And the eyes of him as a flame of fire, and on the head of him many diadems, having a name having been written [bestowing upon him the honored entitlement of: JESUS OF NAZARETH, KING OF THE JEWS] which no one knows [to be true- at the time] except him; being clothed (in) a garment having been dipped in blood, and is called the name of him, ‘The Word of God.’ And the armies of Heaven [divine agents having borne the prophetic witness of the word of God] followed him on white horse, having been dressed (in) fine linen, white and clean. And out of the mouth of him goes forth a sharp (word) sword [accomplishing the prophet word of God], that with [the fulfillment of] it he may [in a judiciary capacity] smite the nations [who have set themselves over and against the worship of the “True and Living God”]; and he will shepherd them with an iron rod. And he treads the press of the wine of the anger and of the wrath of Almighty God. And he has on the garment and on the thigh of him a name having been written: KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.”
In conclusion, based upon the ascension of Jesus, it can be discerned how the Messiah could acquire an eternal rule without being equivalent to a god.
REVELATION 19:11-16 “And I (John) saw Heaven having been opened, and behold, a white horse, and the (one) sitting on it being called faithful and true.”
Verse 12 “And in righteousness he judges and wars. And the eyes of him as a flame of fire, and on the head of him many diadems, having a name having been written [bestowing upon him the honored entitlement of: JESUS OF NAZARETH, KING OF THE JEWS] which no one knows [to be true- at the time] except him; being clothed (in) a garment having been dipped in blood, and is called the name of him, ‘The Word of God.’ And the armies of Heaven [divine agents having borne the prophetic witness of the word of God] followed him on white horse, having been dressed (in) fine linen, white and clean. And out of the mouth of him goes forth a sharp (word) sword [accomplishing the prophet word of God], that with [the fulfillment of] it he may [in a judiciary capacity] smite the nations [who have set themselves over and against the worship of the “True and Living God”]; and he will shepherd them with an iron rod. And he treads the press of the wine of the anger and of the wrath of Almighty God. And he has on the garment and on the thigh of him a name having been written: KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.”
In conclusion, based upon the ascension of Jesus, it can be discerned how the Messiah could acquire an eternal rule without being equivalent to a god.
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