The New Jerusalem
The lighting of the city was shinning with a dazzling brilliance, as a mountain of light, clear as crystal. It had high and invincibly secure walls which created a boundary to provide social stability and protection. There were twelve gates inscribed with the names of the twelve united tribes of Israel, which were kept under the guardianship of God.
The wall itself was created of Jasper symbolizing the "judgments", or the decisions of God which were regarded as final. The city itself was of clean gold, symbolizing the "Word of God".
The foundation of the wall were made of: (1) Jasper- the “judgment of God” which came from His throne, being a result of His verdict or in the form of a document setting out the obligation resulting from that decision; (2) the Sapphire, represented the formal establishment of His judicially engineered legal decisions, found in His “Word” and “Law”; (3) the Chalcedony, signifying, for example, the judicial decrees, such as the stipulation of which “vengeance” has been guarded as belonging to God or the exclusivism of the Covenant- which, created the rise of religious freedom on earth and the need for a democratic system of civil government; (4) the Emerald, associated with the reviving and refreshing nature of the “inspired Word of God” which brings about Ecclesiastical and Civil order in the ethical arena; (5) the Sardonyx stone, which symbolized the commemorative blood the New Covenant, shed for the forgiveness of sin, so that we may be to Jehovah presenters of offering in accordance to righteousness; (6) the Sardius, denoting the preservation of God’s Works of Righteousness in the world geared toward the purpose of reconciling man to God; (7) the Chrysolite symbolizing moral theology diffusing the light of God’s grace; (8) the Beryl, denoting the Bible, as the text of an inspired journalistic works; (9) Topaz representing the principles underling the use of vengeance, defined as retributive justice regarded as God’s appropriate response to disobedience; (10) the Chrysoprasus corresponding to the temporary amending of a decree for the maintenance of the moral rightness of an action; (11) Hyacinth, representing the continued expansion of moral guidelines to safeguard humanity from moral defilement; (12) Amethyst symbolizing the strength found within words, certainly representing the essential properties inherent to a “Reign of Righteousness”.
The foundation of the wall were made of: (1) Jasper- the “judgment of God” which came from His throne, being a result of His verdict or in the form of a document setting out the obligation resulting from that decision; (2) the Sapphire, represented the formal establishment of His judicially engineered legal decisions, found in His “Word” and “Law”; (3) the Chalcedony, signifying, for example, the judicial decrees, such as the stipulation of which “vengeance” has been guarded as belonging to God or the exclusivism of the Covenant- which, created the rise of religious freedom on earth and the need for a democratic system of civil government; (4) the Emerald, associated with the reviving and refreshing nature of the “inspired Word of God” which brings about Ecclesiastical and Civil order in the ethical arena; (5) the Sardonyx stone, which symbolized the commemorative blood the New Covenant, shed for the forgiveness of sin, so that we may be to Jehovah presenters of offering in accordance to righteousness; (6) the Sardius, denoting the preservation of God’s Works of Righteousness in the world geared toward the purpose of reconciling man to God; (7) the Chrysolite symbolizing moral theology diffusing the light of God’s grace; (8) the Beryl, denoting the Bible, as the text of an inspired journalistic works; (9) Topaz representing the principles underling the use of vengeance, defined as retributive justice regarded as God’s appropriate response to disobedience; (10) the Chrysoprasus corresponding to the temporary amending of a decree for the maintenance of the moral rightness of an action; (11) Hyacinth, representing the continued expansion of moral guidelines to safeguard humanity from moral defilement; (12) Amethyst symbolizing the strength found within words, certainly representing the essential properties inherent to a “Reign of Righteousness”.
“Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised in the city of our God, in the mountain of His holiness.”
The fundamental structure of God’s Holy Mountain is characterized by:
The fundamental structure of God’s Holy Mountain is characterized by:
(1) Obedience to the Word & Judgment of God
(2) The Law of God
(3) Exclusive Covenant creating entrance for a Democratic System of Civil Government on earth
(4) Ecclesiastical and Civil Order in Alignment via Righteous Judgment
(5) Righteous Atonement
(6) Universal Ethical Norm
(7) Grace manifest through Repentance
(8) The Bible, the Authoritative Word of God
(9) Appropriate Judicial measures of Retribution in keeping to the law, moral purity, & righteousness
(10) Supremacy of Righteous Judgment
(11) Continence of the Courts of Justice
(12) Righteous Reign via Scepter of Justice
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