ISAIAH 66:7 “Before she [the city of David] travailed, she gave birth; before pain came to her, then she delivered a male [the “Messiah, the “Mighty God”]. Who has heard like this? Who has seen like these? Shall the earth travail in one day? Shall be born a nation (in) one step."
MICAH 5:3-4 “Therefore He will give them [the saints who are of the earth] (over) until the time the one [the “daughter of Zion”- the City of David] giving birth has given birth; then the rest of his brothers [the scattered and dispersed flock] shall return to the sons of Israel. And he [the “Messiah” - manifesting the witness of the Mighty One of Israel] shall stand [as the embodiment of the Word of the Almighty God made flesh] and pasture (us) in the strength of Jehovah, in the majesty of the name of Jehovah his God, and they [the redeemed] shall [favorably] sit, for now he [the “risen” Messiah] is great to the ends of the earth.”
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