Revelation 13:3 “And marveled all the earth after the [scarlet] beast [being described as the lord of evil, the enemy of God and the tempter of human beings]; and they [those of the world in rebellion against God] worshiped the dragon [rendering to him divine honors] who gave authority to the beast [the Antichrist], and they [the gathered people seeking bid for worldwide dominion, and in such a posture as counterfeit firstfruits to God and to the Lamb] worshiped the beast [as though worthy of divine respect], saying ‘Who (is) like the beast [seeking a bid for worldwide dominion] who is able to make war with it [a worldwide network who attempts the enthronement of theocratic rule in the name of the Almighty God], who is able to make [a justifiable holy] war with it [a government of a state lead by officials who are regarded as divinely guided]?’”
Holman Commentary.- We do, however, learn the response of the whole world to this. They had refused to acknowledge God... Further, many theologians have noted that evil’s greatest triumphs occur when it mimics good. Although the dragon had lost its place in heaven, it still had plenty of power on earth.
Thus, the world’s people are so deceived that they worship Satan as God; they give the monster the divine status that belongs to Jesus. The monster is truly a pseudo (counterfeit)-Jesus, an Antichrist. Consider Psalm 89:6-8:
Holman Commentary.- We do, however, learn the response of the whole world to this. They had refused to acknowledge God... Further, many theologians have noted that evil’s greatest triumphs occur when it mimics good. Although the dragon had lost its place in heaven, it still had plenty of power on earth.
Thus, the world’s people are so deceived that they worship Satan as God; they give the monster the divine status that belongs to Jesus. The monster is truly a pseudo (counterfeit)-Jesus, an Antichrist. Consider Psalm 89:6-8:
“For who in the skies above can
Compare with the Lord?
Who is like the Lord among
The heavenly beings?
In the council of the holy ones
God is greatly feared;
He is more awesome than all
Who surround Him.
O Lord God Almighty, who is
Like you?
Your are might, O Lord, and
Your faithfulness
Surrounds You.”
Compare with the Lord?
Who is like the Lord among
The heavenly beings?
In the council of the holy ones
God is greatly feared;
He is more awesome than all
Who surround Him.
O Lord God Almighty, who is
Like you?
Your are might, O Lord, and
Your faithfulness
Surrounds You.”
Ironside Commentary.- The days of the beast are the days referred to by our Lord Jesus Christ when He said that if it were possible the very elect would be deceived. But, thank God, he will preserve his own, even in that dreadful day.
Barnes Commentary.- “And they [the counterfeit firstfruits] worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast.” The word worship is not always, however used in a religious sense. It means, properly, to kiss; to kiss towards anyone; that is, to kiss his own hand and to extend it towards a person, in token of respect and homage. Then it means to show respect to one who is our superior; to kings and princes; to parents; and pre-eminently to God. The word, may be used here to mean that homage or reverence as to a higher power, was rendered to the “dragon;” not strictly that he was openly worshiped in a religious sense as God. And can anyone doubt that the homage thus rendered, so contrary to the law of God, and so much in derogation of His claims, was in fact homage rendered to this presiding spirit of evil?
“And they worshipped the beast.” That is, they did it, as is immediately specified, by saying that he was incomparable and invincible; in other words, that he was superior to all others and that he was almighty. Who is like unto the beast? That is, he is to be regarded as unequalled and as supreme. This was, in fact, ascribing honors to him which belonged only to God; and this was the manner in which that civil and secular power was regarded; to maintain that they were the vicegerents [appointed deputies] of heaven; to claim for themselves sacredness of character and of person; and to secure from the people a degree of reverence which was in fact idolatrous.
“And they worshipped the beast.” That is, they did it, as is immediately specified, by saying that he was incomparable and invincible; in other words, that he was superior to all others and that he was almighty. Who is like unto the beast? That is, he is to be regarded as unequalled and as supreme. This was, in fact, ascribing honors to him which belonged only to God; and this was the manner in which that civil and secular power was regarded; to maintain that they were the vicegerents [appointed deputies] of heaven; to claim for themselves sacredness of character and of person; and to secure from the people a degree of reverence which was in fact idolatrous.
Study Note - If Such a Monster Reigns On Earth: Who is able to make war with him? Nothing was able to resist that absolute despotism (tyrannical rule and abuse of power- a “reign of terror”); and the authority of princes and rulers that were allied with the Antichrists rule was of the most absolute kind, and the subjugation of the world was complete…the darkness of “terrorism” prevailed. Under such a rule there was no civil, as there was no religious liberty; and the whole arrangement was so ordered as to subdue the world to an absolute and uncontrollable power.
Beale Commentary.- The allegiance of the ungodly multitudes now expresses itself in worship of the dragon “because he gave his authority to the beast.” “Worship” is a way of showing allegiance and praise.
Mounce Commentary.- The inhabitants of the earth worshiped not only the beast but the dragon as well – the one who has given his authority to the beast. Deification of secular power is in fact the worship of Satan. The motivation of worship is not the beast’s moral greatness but the awesome power of his might. The authority he (Antichrist) wields is the authority of Satan himself.
Poole’s Commentary.- And they worshipped the beast, saying, ‘Who is like the beast?’ Possibly worshipping in this latter clause is not to be understood of Divine adoration, but a civil subjection.
Revelation 13:5 “And was given to it (the “beast”, Antichrist) a mouth speaking great things (of arrogant claims in the assertion of a divine right – as though “firstfruits to God and to the Lamb”) and blasphemies (not so much directly spoken against God but as implied by self-deification- in forming a union of divinity with humanity)…”
Mounce Commentary.- The inhabitants of the earth worshiped not only the beast but the dragon as well – the one who has given his authority to the beast. Deification of secular power is in fact the worship of Satan. The motivation of worship is not the beast’s moral greatness but the awesome power of his might. The authority he (Antichrist) wields is the authority of Satan himself.
Poole’s Commentary.- And they worshipped the beast, saying, ‘Who is like the beast?’ Possibly worshipping in this latter clause is not to be understood of Divine adoration, but a civil subjection.
Revelation 13:5 “And was given to it (the “beast”, Antichrist) a mouth speaking great things (of arrogant claims in the assertion of a divine right – as though “firstfruits to God and to the Lamb”) and blasphemies (not so much directly spoken against God but as implied by self-deification- in forming a union of divinity with humanity)…”
(False Claims to Sacred Scripture – and Danger of Scripture When Taken Out of Context)
Consider (To whom does this psalm speak- to "terrorist or those that seek to stop them? The Rightful Firstfruits to God and to the Lamb):
PSALM 149:6-9 “May the praise of God be in their mouths and a double-edged sword in their hands, to inflict vengeance on the nations [through seizure and enforced dominion] and punishment on the peoples, to bind their kings with fetters, their nobles with shackles of iron, to carry out the sentence written against them.”
PSALM 149:6-9 “May the praise of God be in their mouths and a double-edged sword in their hands, to inflict vengeance on the nations [through seizure and enforced dominion] and punishment on the peoples, to bind their kings with fetters, their nobles with shackles of iron, to carry out the sentence written against them.”
(Continuing Revelation 13) Verse 5 “…and was given to it [the Antichrist] authority to act forty-two months (the time allotted for Jerusalem, the righteous city fearing God to be trampled).”
A Teaching for Consideration – (A Disclaimer to Antichrist’s Claims)
HOSEA 14:9 “’I (Jehovah) am as a green cypress. From Me your fruit [the state of bearing a tree of like kind] is found.”
The corporate unity of Man with God is tied to purity of heart and moral rectitude of life; being and doing right. The righteousness or justice of God is the divine holiness applied in moral government and the domain of law. As an attribute of God it is united with His holiness as being essential in His nature; it is legislative, as He is the righteous governor of all; and is administrative or judicial, as He is a just dispenser of rewards and punishments.
In theology, as in the Scriptures, the terms justice and righteousness are used synonymously. The justice of God is both an essential and relative attribute of the divine existence. It is a necessary outflow from the holiness of God.
In theology, as in the Scriptures, the terms justice and righteousness are used synonymously. The justice of God is both an essential and relative attribute of the divine existence. It is a necessary outflow from the holiness of God.
In summary, the non-corrosive tempering agent of “righteousness,” keeps the standard of the law in tack, yet, provides a judicial “balance” for the maintenance of moral purity. In this capacity, the doing of judgment for the maintenance of righteousness- can surpass the letter of the law. Righteousness is a fruit of just judgment; the two go hand in hand.
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