The Book of Isaiah
God is mustering the armies of His wrath against the inhabitants of Babylon. This chapter foretells the destruction of Babylon by the Medes (serving under the command of Cyrus- being “Liberators of Justice”) and the Persians (forces who are expressly mentioned as the principle agents in the overthrown of the Babylonian monarchy).
Clarke Commentary.- The prophecy opens with the command of God to gather together the forces which He had destined to this service. Upon which the prophet (Isaiah) immediately hears the tumultuous noise of the nations crowding together to His standard; he sees them advancing, prepared to execute the divine wrath. He proceeds to describe the dreadful consequences of this visitation, the consternation which will seize those who are the objects of it; and, transferring unawares the speech from himself to God, sets forth, under a variety of the most striking images, the dreadful destruction of the inhabitants of Babylon and the everlasting desolation to which that great city is doomed.
(1) Who are the modern counterpart to the“Medes & Persians”?
(2) What if the attack on the twin towers was an inside job- an act of “false flagging”?
(3) If the attacks of September 11 had been an “inside job”, puppeteered by the neoconservatives in the White House (“Bilderberg Group”) what would have been the motive? Could it have been to justify the need for the creation of the “Department of Homeland Security”- which has rapidly becoming a militarized menace to American liberties? That's a startling thought, if the attack of 911 was an "inside job."
(1) Who are the modern counterpart to the“Medes & Persians”?
(2) What if the attack on the twin towers was an inside job- an act of “false flagging”?
(3) If the attacks of September 11 had been an “inside job”, puppeteered by the neoconservatives in the White House (“Bilderberg Group”) what would have been the motive? Could it have been to justify the need for the creation of the “Department of Homeland Security”- which has rapidly becoming a militarized menace to American liberties? That's a startling thought, if the attack of 911 was an "inside job."

“These oracles are not so much an announcement of doom upon the nations as they are an announcement of salvation of Israel if she would trust her Lord.”
ISAIAH 13 “The burden (the weighty and mournful prophecy) of Babylon, which Isaiah the son of Amos saw: ‘Lift up a banner on a bare mountain, make the voice rise to them (to the Medes, the assailants of Babylon, the “Liberators of Justice”).”
Who really blew up the twin towers?

Christina Asquith
The Guardian, Tuesday 5 September 2006
Article history
Shards of glass and dust from the World Trade Centre towers sit on Professor Steven Jones's desk at Brigham Young University in Utah. Evidence, he says, of the biggest cover-up in history - one too evil for most to believe, but one he has staked his academic career on exposing.
The attacks of September 11, Jones asserts, were an "inside job", puppeteered by the neoconservatives in the White House to justify the occupation of oil-rich Arab countries, inflate military spending and expand Israel.
"We don't believe that 19 hijackers and a few others in a cave in Afghanistan pulled this off acting alone," says Jones. "We challenge this official conspiracy theory and, by God, we're going to get to the bottom of this."
While this sinister spin strikes most American academics as absurd, Jones, a physics professor, is not alone. He is a member of 9/11 Scholars for Truth, a recently formed group of around 75 US professors determined to prove 9/11 was a hoax. In essays and journals, they are using their association with prominent universities to give a scholarly stamp to conspiracy theories long believed in parts of Europe and the Arab world, and gaining ground among Americans due to frustration with the Iraq war and opposition to President Bush's heavily hyped "war on terror".

Christina Asquith
The Guardian, Tuesday 5 September 2006
Article history
Shards of glass and dust from the World Trade Centre towers sit on Professor Steven Jones's desk at Brigham Young University in Utah. Evidence, he says, of the biggest cover-up in history - one too evil for most to believe, but one he has staked his academic career on exposing.
The attacks of September 11, Jones asserts, were an "inside job", puppeteered by the neoconservatives in the White House to justify the occupation of oil-rich Arab countries, inflate military spending and expand Israel.
"We don't believe that 19 hijackers and a few others in a cave in Afghanistan pulled this off acting alone," says Jones. "We challenge this official conspiracy theory and, by God, we're going to get to the bottom of this."
While this sinister spin strikes most American academics as absurd, Jones, a physics professor, is not alone. He is a member of 9/11 Scholars for Truth, a recently formed group of around 75 US professors determined to prove 9/11 was a hoax. In essays and journals, they are using their association with prominent universities to give a scholarly stamp to conspiracy theories long believed in parts of Europe and the Arab world, and gaining ground among Americans due to frustration with the Iraq war and opposition to President Bush's heavily hyped "war on terror".
- Christina Asquith
“The Homeland Security Act signed by President Bush on November 25, 2002 creates the new Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and grants it momentous responsibilities and powers. It is earnestly hoped that DHS will provide needed coordination to government anti-terrorism efforts. The new Department will have wide-ranging authority to compile, analyze, and mine the personal information of Americans.”
Is the Federal Bureau of Investigation worried that corrupt U.S. officials (secretly promoting a New World order via the “Bilderberg Group”) have treasonously crossed the nation’s political border to intentionally expose Americans to serious risk? Are they now the silent minority in control?
What of our border crossings? With suspicions of corrupt U.S. officials allowing the further infiltration of illegal immigrants to enter the country, the FBI should be concerned that terrorists and materials could be used in a “false flag” terrorist attack. Slipping in, in such a disguised manner - they could initiate a “Code Red” lockdown, imprisoning all U.S. citizens.
If you’re a corrupt security official and you’re allowing illegal immigration to come into the country, you’re not going to know who you’re letting in.
Corrupt security officials (secretly sheltered within the New World Order) willing to betray the United States- represent a potentially grave national security threat.
Whether it’s a truckload of illegal immigrants or whether it’s components of a weapon of mass destruction, who will know what those are. We have no assurance that our borders are safe, that our borders are secure when the very source of our security organizations have been compromised.
The first line of defense for the security of a free American lies in scrutiny and examination of the “forces used for our protection”- with certainly that the forces employed- do not become the means of our own destruction.
Critical to the mission and the collaboration among federal agencies is professional integrity where among its members no incident of corruption is tolerated. Our survival in a free world depends upon it.
What if the terrorist attack of 911, was an inside job? Does the then deceived public at large constitute the real enemy or are are real enemies the one’s watching us? Consider the following:
“Code Red”
If the national terrorism threat level were ever to go to “Code Red,” the country would “go into lockdown mode.” Planes could be grounded, trains could stop running, and bridges and tunnels could be closed. US borders might be sealed off, and roadblocks might be set up on interstates and major highways. You literally are staying home, is what happens, unless you are required to be out.
What of our border crossings? With suspicions of corrupt U.S. officials allowing the further infiltration of illegal immigrants to enter the country, the FBI should be concerned that terrorists and materials could be used in a “false flag” terrorist attack. Slipping in, in such a disguised manner - they could initiate a “Code Red” lockdown, imprisoning all U.S. citizens.
If you’re a corrupt security official and you’re allowing illegal immigration to come into the country, you’re not going to know who you’re letting in.
Corrupt security officials (secretly sheltered within the New World Order) willing to betray the United States- represent a potentially grave national security threat.
Whether it’s a truckload of illegal immigrants or whether it’s components of a weapon of mass destruction, who will know what those are. We have no assurance that our borders are safe, that our borders are secure when the very source of our security organizations have been compromised.
The first line of defense for the security of a free American lies in scrutiny and examination of the “forces used for our protection”- with certainly that the forces employed- do not become the means of our own destruction.
Critical to the mission and the collaboration among federal agencies is professional integrity where among its members no incident of corruption is tolerated. Our survival in a free world depends upon it.
What if the terrorist attack of 911, was an inside job? Does the then deceived public at large constitute the real enemy or are are real enemies the one’s watching us? Consider the following:
“Code Red”
If the national terrorism threat level were ever to go to “Code Red,” the country would “go into lockdown mode.” Planes could be grounded, trains could stop running, and bridges and tunnels could be closed. US borders might be sealed off, and roadblocks might be set up on interstates and major highways. You literally are staying home, is what happens, unless you are required to be out.
(Study Notes: Web Source)
“Under a Code Red, summarizes the Courier-Post, "you will be assumed to be the enemy if you so much as venture outside your home." In prison parlance, this condition is known as a "lockdown."
A foretaste of the U.S. in lockdown mode was offered by New Orleans in the aftermath of Katrina. National Guardsmen and troops from the 82nd Airborne were deployed in the city to deal with looting and other disturbances. Their first priority, chillingly, was to disarm private citizens and evict those who resisted evacuation orders.
"No one is allowed to be armed," declared superintended of police P. Edwin Compass III. To carry out that decree, the rump NOPD (New Orleans Police Department), supplemented with elements of the National Guard from Louisiana and Oklahoma, as well as agents of the U.S. Marshals Service (a division of the Justice Department), began "breaking into homes at gun-point, confiscating their lawfully-owned firearms, and evicting the residents," reported Dave Kopel of the Independence Institute in Reason magazine.
In addition to being a constitutional outrage, this confiscation (act of seizing property without compensation and submitting it to the public treasury) of firearms at the point of a bayonetis a violation of the Posse Comitatus Act which prohibits the use of military personnel as law enforcement officers within the United States. That prohibition has become honeycombed with “exceptions” in recent decades, due to the “War on Drugs” and the “War on Terror In New Orleans, a new and ominous wrinkle was added to the increasingly familiar militarization (equipping or train for war) of law enforcement: The use of mercenaries or contract with the Department of Homeland Security.
“The men form Blackwater USA arrived in New Orleans right after Katrina hit,” wrote Jeremy Scahill in an on-site report for The Nation. “Some patrolled the streets in SUVs with tinted windows and the Blackwater logo splashed on the back; others sped around the French Quarter in an unmarked car with no license plates.” When asked by what authority they were operating in New Orleans, one armed Blackwater operative replied: “We’re on contract with the Department of Homeland Security… We can even make arrests and use lethal force if we deem it necessary.” A separate contingent of 164 Blackwater operative received a separate contact to provide security of FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) reconstruction projects.
“This is a trend,” one Blackwater mercenary told Scahill. “You’re going to see a lot more guys like us in these situations.”
Policing the Homeland
* Six days later, Dwight Scarbrough, a Navy veteran who works for a federal agency in Boise, Idaho, received a visit from two armed DHS officers who ordered him to remove political "signs" he had supposedly displayed on federal property--in this case, bumper stickers critical of President Bush and the Iraq war that were displayed on Scarbrough's pickup truck. Despite the fact that Scarbrough was not in violation of the relevant statutes--a fact he made clear in the audiotaped conversation with the Homeland Security officers--he was compelled to move his truck to a nearby parking lot.
"My rights are very dear to me," Scarbrough told Boise Weekly. "I served my country to defend them." His experience with the DHS's anti-bumper sticker police, however, has led him to conclude that "this is a fascist state. At least, it's the beginning of a fascist state."
With the DHS extending its control over local police agencies, prepping the country to go into lockdown, and harassing ordinary citizens for no defensible reason, it's clear that Scarbrough's assessment, while premature, is correct in principle.
“Under a Code Red, summarizes the Courier-Post, "you will be assumed to be the enemy if you so much as venture outside your home." In prison parlance, this condition is known as a "lockdown."
A foretaste of the U.S. in lockdown mode was offered by New Orleans in the aftermath of Katrina. National Guardsmen and troops from the 82nd Airborne were deployed in the city to deal with looting and other disturbances. Their first priority, chillingly, was to disarm private citizens and evict those who resisted evacuation orders.
"No one is allowed to be armed," declared superintended of police P. Edwin Compass III. To carry out that decree, the rump NOPD (New Orleans Police Department), supplemented with elements of the National Guard from Louisiana and Oklahoma, as well as agents of the U.S. Marshals Service (a division of the Justice Department), began "breaking into homes at gun-point, confiscating their lawfully-owned firearms, and evicting the residents," reported Dave Kopel of the Independence Institute in Reason magazine.
In addition to being a constitutional outrage, this confiscation (act of seizing property without compensation and submitting it to the public treasury) of firearms at the point of a bayonetis a violation of the Posse Comitatus Act which prohibits the use of military personnel as law enforcement officers within the United States. That prohibition has become honeycombed with “exceptions” in recent decades, due to the “War on Drugs” and the “War on Terror In New Orleans, a new and ominous wrinkle was added to the increasingly familiar militarization (equipping or train for war) of law enforcement: The use of mercenaries or contract with the Department of Homeland Security.
“The men form Blackwater USA arrived in New Orleans right after Katrina hit,” wrote Jeremy Scahill in an on-site report for The Nation. “Some patrolled the streets in SUVs with tinted windows and the Blackwater logo splashed on the back; others sped around the French Quarter in an unmarked car with no license plates.” When asked by what authority they were operating in New Orleans, one armed Blackwater operative replied: “We’re on contract with the Department of Homeland Security… We can even make arrests and use lethal force if we deem it necessary.” A separate contingent of 164 Blackwater operative received a separate contact to provide security of FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) reconstruction projects.
“This is a trend,” one Blackwater mercenary told Scahill. “You’re going to see a lot more guys like us in these situations.”
Policing the Homeland
* Six days later, Dwight Scarbrough, a Navy veteran who works for a federal agency in Boise, Idaho, received a visit from two armed DHS officers who ordered him to remove political "signs" he had supposedly displayed on federal property--in this case, bumper stickers critical of President Bush and the Iraq war that were displayed on Scarbrough's pickup truck. Despite the fact that Scarbrough was not in violation of the relevant statutes--a fact he made clear in the audiotaped conversation with the Homeland Security officers--he was compelled to move his truck to a nearby parking lot.
"My rights are very dear to me," Scarbrough told Boise Weekly. "I served my country to defend them." His experience with the DHS's anti-bumper sticker police, however, has led him to conclude that "this is a fascist state. At least, it's the beginning of a fascist state."
With the DHS extending its control over local police agencies, prepping the country to go into lockdown, and harassing ordinary citizens for no defensible reason, it's clear that Scarbrough's assessment, while premature, is correct in principle.

By Jeremy Scahill
This article appeared in the October 10, 2005 edition of The Nation.
September 21, 2005
The men from Blackwater USA arrived in New Orleans right after Katrina hit. The company known for its private security work guarding senior US diplomats in Iraq beat the federal government and most aid organizations to the scene in another devastated Gulf. About 150 heavily armed Blackwater troops dressed in full battle gear spread out into the chaos of New Orleans. Officially, the company boasted of its forces "join[ing] the hurricane relief effort." But its men on the ground told a different story.
Research support was provided by the Investigative Fund of The Nation Institute.
Some patrolled the streets in SUVs with tinted windows and the Blackwater logo splashed on the back; others sped around the French Quarter in an unmarked car with no license plates. They congregated on the corner of St. James and Bourbon in front of a bar called 711, where Blackwater was establishing a makeshift headquarters. From the balcony above the bar, several Blackwater guys cleared out what had apparently been someone's apartment. They threw mattresses, clothes, shoes and other household items from the balcony to the street below. They draped an American flag from the balcony's railing. More than a dozen troops from the 82nd Airborne Division stood in formation on the street watching the action.
Armed men shuffled in and out of the building as a handful told stories of their past experiences in Iraq. "I worked the security detail of both Bremer and Negroponte," said one of the Blackwater guys, referring to the former head of the US occupation, L. Paul Bremer, and former US Ambassador to Iraq John Negroponte. Another complained, while talking on his cell phone, that he was getting only $350 a day plus his per diem. "When they told me New Orleans, I said, 'What country is that in?'" he said. He wore his company ID around his neck in a case with the phrase Operation Iraqi Freedom printed on it.
In an hourlong conversation I had with four Blackwater men, they characterized their work in New Orleans as "securing neighborhoods" and "confronting criminals." They all carried automatic assault weapons and had guns strapped to their legs. Their flak jackets were covered with pouches for extra ammunition.
When asked what authority they were operating under, one guy said, "We're on contract with the Department of Homeland Security." Then, pointing to one of his comrades, he said, "He was even deputized by the governor of the state of Louisiana. We can make arrests and use lethal force if we deem it necessary." The man then held up the gold Louisiana law enforcement badge he wore around his neck. Blackwater spokesperson Anne Duke also said the company has a letter from Louisiana officials authorizing its forces to carry loaded weapons.
"This vigilantism demonstrates the utter breakdown of the government," says Michael Ratner, president of the Center for Constitutional Rights. "These private security forces have behaved brutally, with impunity, in Iraq. To have them now on the streets of New Orleans is frightening and possibly illegal."
Blackwater is not alone. As business leaders and government officials talk openly of changing the demographics of what was one of the most culturally vibrant of America's cities, mercenaries from companies like DynCorp, Intercon, American Security Group, Blackhawk, Wackenhut and an Israeli company called Instinctive Shooting International (ISI) are fanning out to guard private businesses and homes, as well as government projects and institutions. Within two weeks of the hurricane, the number of private security companies registered in Louisiana jumped from 185 to 235. Some, like Blackwater, are under federal contract. Others have been hired by the wealthy elite, like F. Patrick Quinn III, who brought in private security to guard his $3 million private estate and his luxury hotels, which are under consideration for a lucrative federal contract to house FEMA workers.
A possibly deadly incident involving Quinn's hired guns underscores the dangers of private forces policing American streets. On his second night in New Orleans, Quinn's security chief, Michael Montgomery, who said he worked for an Alabama company called Bodyguard and Tactical Security (BATS), was with a heavily armed security detail en route to pick up one of Quinn's associates and escort him through the chaotic city. Montgomery told me they came under fire from "black gangbangers" on an overpass near the poor Ninth Ward neighborhood. "At the time, I was on the phone with my business partner," he recalls. "I dropped the phone and returned fire."
Blackwater's success in procuring federal contracts could well be explained by major-league contributions and family connections to the GOP. According to election records, Blackwater's CEO and co-founder, billionaire Erik Prince, has given tens of thousands to Republicans, including more than $80,000 to the Republican National Committee the month before Bush's victory in 2000. This past June, he gave $2,100 to Senator Rick Santorum's re-election campaign. He has also given to House majority leader Tom DeLay and a slew of other Republican candidates, including Bush/Cheney in 2004.
Obamacare Sets Up a Health Dictatorship
Thursday, 13 August 2009
Now that the Obama Healthcare Reform Bill has been posted on the Internet, anyone can read it. It is over one thousand pages long, and its complexity defies any easy understanding.
The new legislation sets up a Health Choices Administration with a Health Choices Commissioner. The bill (Sec. 141) reads:
"There is hereby established an independent agency in the executive branch of the Government, a Health Choices Administration….The Administration shall be headed by a Health Choices Commissioner who shall be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate."
For all practical purposes, the Commissioner will have the power of a Czar, or dictator, over the new national healthcare system.
The trappings of a police state will come with the law’s enforcement mechanism.
If you are one of those taxpayers who find the Internal Revenue Code treacherously complicated, wait until the National Healthcare system is in place. Its regulations and enforcement will create new nightmares for the average American, for no one will be able to escape the net.
The new law will effect everyone every day: average Americans going for routine checkups, doctors and how they practice, nurses, dentists, chiropractors, hospitals, nursing homes, medical schools, dietitians, therapists, employers, employees, pharmaceutical companies, drug distribution, infant inoculations. It will also effect your Social Security payments, your taxes, your retirement plans. And, of course, it will effect the insurance industry big time.
The law will also create a vast new army of government bureaucrats and a data collection system in which every individual American will be registered. In that file will be a complete picture of your life, from birth to death, your diseases, your hospital stays, your family relations, what you eat, your habits, your religion (so they know where to bury you), and to what extent you should be cared for in your old age.
The law will also regulate what hospitals can do to expand their facilities.
The Secretary will decide what a hospital can and can’t do. In other words, all hospitals will be nationalized and they will begin to look like hospitals run by the Veterans Administration.
And we haven’t even discussed what all of this is going to cost the taxpayer.
Although I hurriedly scanned this encyclopedic law governing healthcare, I was not able to find the word abortion. The law does not come with an Index. But I did find a section devoted to Family Planning Services. You can be sure that tucked away in that Family Planning section is a provision that will make it mandatory for the government to pay for abortions as medical procedures.
Any nation that voluntarily enacts a law of such far-reaching control over the private lives of its citizens and health facilities deserves the kind of care it will get. In Canada, the waiting period for medical services endangers lives. That is why many Canadians head south when serious medical attention is needed as soon as possible. They have a shortage of doctors north of the border. Any doctor who wants to excel in his or her profession is not going to have his horizons limited by a government run health system.
There is a good chance that the more people know the details of this horrendous law, it will be rejected by
their representatives in Congress. The strong showing of opposition at the town-hall meetings ought to send the right message to members of Congress. Vote for this law and you’re out!
By Dave Eriqat
Tax On Being Alive
This morning I skimmed through the entire 1017-page bill known as H.R. 3200, which I’m sure is more than did most of the congress people who voted for the bill. All I can say is, oh my god! This is a sweeping, disastrous piece of legislation that is more appropriately described as a back door route to totalitarian dictatorship!
What they failed to achieve with the two Patriot Acts, they will accomplish under the guise of “health care reform,” and that’s what I call “change you can be terrified of.” Yet, while the Patriot Acts were ostensibly aimed at terrorists, this new law is aimed squarely at U.S. citizens who have done nothing wrong, transforming those citizens who don’t wish to participate in this totalitarian health care regime into de-facto criminals.
This new law essentially establishes for the first time, a tax on being alive, as those individuals who refuse to purchase health insurance that meets with the government’s approval will have to pay a tax equal to 2.5% of their income.
Participation is mandatory whether you need or want the health care it offers.
New Burdens For Individuals
The bill imposes staggering new information reporting requirements on individuals, businesses and health care providers,
If you are a poor person who starts earning more money, you will be required to notify the government of your increase in income, so that the government can increase your health care premiums. And should you fail to notify the government of such a change, you will be liable for back payment of any premiums you should have paid.
This is going to be a bureaucratic nightmare for poor people and a powerful disincentive to working, not to mention hiring. One will be better off becoming, and remaining a ward of the state under this new law. We’re going to have to provide the government with extensive details about our personal lives and finances in order to implement this law.
The above goals simply cannot be accomplished without massive, detailed databases and individual identification schemes. We will inevitably be issued ID cards, which like our social security numbers have become, will become de-facto national ID cards. We will no doubt also be required to provide our bank account information, both to determine our “financial responsibility” for this health care monster, and to automate payments.
Moreover, we are ultimately responsible for the accuracy of the information provided to the government on our behalf. The bill contains numerous provisions for punitive fines in the event that any of the information on file is incorrect. The bill contains so many paragraphs pertaining to enforcement, audits and penalties on those who fail to pay sufficient premiums, that the primary focus of this bill is clearly on generating revenue. In other words, it’s little more than a massive, across the board tax increase.
Reduced Access To Health Care And Higher Prices
Under this bill, the government will dictate the medical care received and collect premiums (taxes), literally from cradle to grave. Private health care is effectively being outlawed. No longer will a person be able to walk into a clinic, pay a reasonable fee and receive treatment. From now on, all health care providers will have to check with the government first to determine what services a patient may receive and how that person will pay for those services.
This bill will accomplish the opposite: fewer health care providers, poorer quality and higher costs.
Since this bill vastly increases the size of the middleman bureaucracy, there is no possible way it can lower costs, since all those additional bureaucrats aren’t going to be working for free.
Additional Objectives
The subtitle of this bill reads,
To provide affordable, quality health care for all Americans and reduce the growth in health care spending, and for other purposes [page 1].
“And for other purposes” is the exact same wording that appeared in an ominous bill passed a few years ago to build detention camps capable of housing millions of people. I wonder what “other purposes” the government has in mind.
In addition, this bill gives the government massive new surveillance authority over peoples’ medical and financial records, while also giving the government the authority to decide what health care we are entitled to receive, regardless of our means to pay for it.
There is no worse time than right now to impose such an ill-conceived, burdensome bill on the nation. If the intent is to fiscally hobble this country so that economic “recovery” is impossible, this bill will achieve that goal. While this bill might increase access to health care for a tiny segment of the population, it will do so by reducing access to, and the quality of health care for the vast majority of the population, while substantially increasing the cost to them, which is the exact opposite of the purported goal of the bill, which is “To provide affordable, quality health care for all Americans and reduce the growth in health care spending, and for other purposes.”
Update – 22 July 2009
The always awe-inspiring Catherine Austin Fitts has just written a piece that I sense is related to the health care reform initiative passing through Congress. As I mentioned above, the bill seeks to increase accessibility to vaccines. Moreover, the threat from [fill in the blank] flu is being hyped beyond all sanity in order to scare people into submitting to vaccination. Finally, I have long believed that there is a desire among the global elite to reduce the global population and that disease and/or “treatment” for such disease would be an ideal and concealed means by which to accomplish that goal. And as Ms. Fitts points out, if the depopulation process is carried out slowly, it can be profitable as people pay money in a vain quest for a remedy for their terminal disease.
While such a plan sounds utterly preposterous to normal people, the people running the world are by no means normal. They are psychopaths, pure and simple. They would exterminate their entire families without a shred of remorse if it would profit them in some way. Once one understands that fact, nefarious schemes such as described in Ms. Fitts’ piece aren’t so preposterous.
Who are the "Medes & Persians"- of the end of the days?
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