Barnes Commentary.- “The burden of Babylon, which Isaiah did see.” The various events were made to pass before his (the Prophet Isaiah’s) mind in a vision, and he was permitted to see the armies mustered; the consternation of the people; and the future condition of the proud city.
Young Commentary.- Babylon appears as a world power, towering over other nations, “the glory of the kingdoms”.
Over Babylon’s downfall the entire earth is said to rejoice and glory. Even the trees of Lebanon [prided for the cedar- fig., men of height and strength- men in the position of effectiveness and power- men of good principle, policy and moral integrity] join in this rejoicing.
Now the enemy power is individualized and identified. We know who that enemy is…
The spirit of the world power is to be found in Babylon. In the first place Babylon is introduced as a center of world power, and secondly, as the center of idolatry [fig. worshiping any false god, whether the figure of a false deity or one in any way symbolical of Jehovah]. But even this apex (highest) of human power, directed against God and His proposes, is to be cut off.
Step by step we watch the enemy approach the holy city. Closer, closer he comes with hand raised in threatening gesture. Suddenly, however, the Lord strikes, and the enemy is gone.
This chapter carries out more fully the prophecies of the world power and its downfall.
That these prophecies appear in the Biblical book of Isaiah was not for the benefit of the Babylonians but for the people of God. From them they would learn that the hostile power of the world in its most powerful manifestation would finally be brought to ignominious defeat and ruin. No power that sets itself against God be it as haughty and pretentious as was Babylonia can prevail. Thus, Israel would learn that God does not permit to go unpunished the wickedness of those who have set themselves against the Lord and against His anointed, and who oppose His people.
To see the opponents of God’s purposes punished would bring consolation and encouragement to the children of God, for it would teach them how precious their salvation was in God’s sight. But they would also learn that they too were deserving of punishment, and that only by God’s mercy had a remnant been spared. Then, too, the raging of the nations is but a carrying out of God’s purposes. He is in control of all things. A topsy-turvy world is not really topsy-turvy. Even the darkest moments are in God providential control and rule.
Calvin Commentary.- These predictions were of no advantage of Babylon or the other nations; but by this consolation he intended to alleviate the grief of the godly, that they might not be discouraged, which they would have had good reason to conclude, if they had seen the Gentiles unpunished and escape the hand of God, but a worse suspicion might have crept into their minds, that God showed favor to accursed robbers, who gave themselves up to deeds of dishonesty and violence, and despised all law both human and divine. Indeed, they might soon have come to think that God did not care for His people, or could not assist them, or that everything was directed by the blind violence of fortune. Accordingly, that they might not faint or be thrown into despair, the Prophet meets them with the consoling influence of this prediction, showing that the Babylonians would be punished.
But the chief design which Isaiah had in view in these predictions was, to point out to the children of God how dear and valuable their salvation (their rescue) was in the sight of God, when they saw that He undertook their cause and revenged the injuries which had been done to them. The government of the world, which He undertook, is not abandoned by Him. Whenever therefore we behold the destruction of cities, the calamities of nations, and the overturning of kingdoms, let us call these predictions to remembrance that we may be humbled under God’s chastisements, may learn to gather wisdom from the affliction of others, and may pray for an alleviation of our own grief.
The prophet Isaiah expressly states that what he is about to utter was revealed to him by a heavenly vision, that the weight which is thus given to it may render it victorious over all the judgments pronounced by the flesh. It was difficult to believe that a monarchy so flourishing, and so prodigiously (strangely and extraordinarily) rich, could be overturned in any way. Their eyes being dazzled by beholding such vast power, the Prophet draws away their attention from it to believe the heavenly revelation, that they may expect by faith the judgment of God which they could not comprehend by the unaided exercise of their own minds.
Henry Commentary.- Here we have that which Isaiah saw, which was represented to is mind as clearly and fully as if he had seen it with this bodily eyes; but the particular inscription of this sermon is the burden of Babylon. It is a burden, a lesson they were to learn (so some understand it), but they would be loth (unwilling) to learn it (it would be contrary to their thinking), and it would be a burden to their memories, or a load which should lie heavily upon them and under which they should sink.
Barnes Commentary.- “Lift yourself up a banner.” A military ensign or standard. The vision opens here; and the first thing which the prophet hears, is the solemn command of God addressed to the nations as subject to Him, to rear the standard of war, and to gather around it the mighty armies which were to be employed in the destruction of the city. This command, “lift ye up a banner,” is addressed to the leaders of those armies to assemble them, and to prepare them for war.
Calvin Commentary.- “Lift ye up a banner upon the high mountain.” As it he had said, “When a signal is given there will be a vast assemblage from very distant countries, because all men will be attracted towards it by the wide and extensive influence of the sight.” Isaiah might indeed have threatened in plain and direct terms, “The Persians and Medes will come, and will burst through the gates of Babylon, notwithstanding the prodigious (extraordinary) strength of it s fortifications.” But those exclamations are far more energetic, when he not only assures the character of a herald and proclaims war, but, as if he exercised the highest authority, orders the Medes and Persians to assemble like hired soldiers. Not only does he show that they will be ready at the bidding of God, because they are moved by His secret influence; but, having been sent by God to announce the ruin of Babylon, he claims for his own voice the accomplishment of what appeared to be beyond belief. It amounts to this, “When God has spoken about what shall happen, we ought to entertain no doubt concerning it.”
False Flag Operation – Banner: War On Terrorism
(1) What if the attack on the twin towers had been an inside job- an act of “false flagging”?
(2) If the attacks of September 11 had been an “inside job”, puppeteered by the deceived neoconservatives in the White House (“Bilderberg Group”) what would have been the motive? Could it have been to justify the need for the creation of the “Department of Homeland Security”- which is rapidly becoming a militarized menace to American liberties?
"Stand with anybody that stands RIGHT. Stand with him while he is right and PART with him when he goes wrong." --Abraham Lincoln
False Flag Operations can be defined as covert actions of a people from one nation (such as those In the United States who giving their loyal support to a “New World Order”) or organization (like the “Bilderberg Group”) (while) pretending to support “Democracy” and “Civil Liberties”, but in truth parlay with members of a terrorist organization in the attacking of their own people, to better control them. Such operations are not limited to violence, but include spreading misinformation or committing sabotage in someone else’s name.
False Flagging Operations could involve attempts to frame another county or individual, for being behind the whole thing.
False flag operations are covert operations conducted by governments, or other organizations which are designed to deceive the public in such a way that the operations appear as though they are being carried out by other entities. The name is derived from the military concept of flying false colors; that is, flying the flag of a country other than one’s own.
“False flag terrorist operations”- occur where governments fund, set-up and execute their own covert terror operations and blame scapegoat nations or double-cross terror cells like Al Qaeda. Even though there could be evidence to incriminate top government officials, all official investigation can be blocked within the leading treasonous ranks.
The “false flag operations” have achieved their objective…they installed fear and suspicion into the society and have taken away through that fear “freedom” for “security”, whose ultimate design is to take away our right to bear arms and our freedom to speak.
The new terrorism laws have taken away our privacy. The government has freely intercepted all US domestic and international calls and internet activity “looking for terrorists” which is illegal and a violation of the constitution. Our freedom has been taken away and constitutional rights are abolished. Our government has become our own worst enemy.
Web Study Note Quotes: “The level of fear mongering we are being subjected to is absolutely overwhelming. New Your City highway tunnels are closed. Transportation is gridlocked. Machine gun-toting ninja cops infiltrate buildings, subways and airports. (While everyone else is denied the right to arm themselves!) All this over a computer found in Pakistan with “targeting” information that was over four years old!”
“These phony terror alerts do not happen by accident, nor are they the result of incompetent “intelligence” agencies. Instead, they are part of an elaborate, well-scripted scheme designed to keep Americans living in a constant state of fear. Americans have proved that we are more than willing to five up almost any amount of our freedom for the illusion of safety – even if that means heavily armed shock troops patrolling our cities and neighborhoods.”
“With the preparations for martial law well under way, it is obvious that the “war on terror” has nothing to do with protecting the American people, but has everything to do with controlling the American people.”
“President Bush told us that ‘we are a nation in danger’ and endorsed the creation of yet another bureaucracy to fight terror – the appointment of a ‘national intelligence czar’ and the establishment of a counter terrorism center. We can only wonder what additional restrictions on our freedoms this new ‘czar’ will impose on an unsuspecting population.”
“The President is correct about one thins – we are a nation in danger. Will the terrorists hit us again? (Was it really them that hit us the first time?) Who knows? But the real danger we face is not from al-Qaida or any band of roving madmen. The danger we face comes from the enemy within- from the ruling junta that has taken over our government and is turning American into a virtual police state.”
(The article concludes): The danger we face comes from a government that:
(1) Is grabbing large chunks of our freedom under the guise of “Homeland Security.”
(2) We are in danger from an enemy, all right. But it is not from the enemy we are supposedly fighting. Our real enemy is the one we have allowed to roam freely in our camp.
ISAIAH 13 “The burden (the weighty and mournful prophecy) of Babylon (viewed as the true symbol of enmity toward God), which Isaiah the son of Amos saw: ‘Lift up a banner on a bare mountain, make the voice rise to them (to the assailants of Babylon); wave the hand (to direct the nations to march) that they may enter the gates (the entrance ways) of the nobles (the palaces of the kings and princes of Babylon, here call the gates of the nobles because of the abundance of noblemen’s houses that were there, stately richly furnished ones belonging to the political leaders of the people).”
Poole’s Commentary.- Lift ye up a banner, to gather soldiers together for this expedition. Upon the high mountain; whence it may be discerned at a considerable distance. Together with this he seems to intimate that their enemies should come from the mountainous country of Media. To the Medes, shake the hand; beckon to them with your hand, that they may come to this service. That they may go into the gates of the nobles; that they may go and fight against Babylon, and take it, and so enter into the palaces of the princes, and spoil them at their pleasure; which the Medes and Persians did. The manner of expression implies how easily and expeditiously they did their work, that, like Caesar, they might say they only cam, and saw and overcame.
Calvin Commentary.- When he says, Shake the hand, and they shall enter, he means that the Persians and Medes shall no sooner begin to advance at the command of God than their road shall be plain and easy in spite of every obstruction. The Prophet draws our attention to the splendor of power in which the Babylonians gloried. They were furnished above others with forces and warlike armaments, so that it appeared to be incredible that they could ever be vanquished. But the Prophet threatens that nothing shall hinder God from opening up a way and entrance to the enemies.
Oswalt Commentary.- The army is called to enter the gates of the nobles, or perhaps “the noble gates.” In either case, the allusion is to the haughty and elegant. The function of this army will be to cast down the proud. But this is not just any army. It has been call the assembled by God. So these are God’s warriors, consecrated to Him to carry out His judgments and to exult in His being lifted up…whether they intended so or not.
(Continuing Isaiah 13) Verse 3 “’I (Jehovah) have commanded My holy ones (the sanctified ones, the Median and Persian soldiers solemnly set apart by Me for the destruction of Babylon, not inwardly “sanctified,” but designated to fulfill the holy purpose); also I have called My (mighty ones, those who are strong and who are so entirely under My direction, that they may be called Mine- the) warriors for My anger (to accomplish the purposes of My anger against Babylon), (the mighty one’s are the) rejoicers of My pride (My majesty and glory- those who are made to triumph for my honor).’”
Barnes Commentary.- “I have commanded.” This is the language of God in reference to those who were about to destroy Babylon. He claimed the control and direction of all their movements; and though the command was not understood by them as coming for Him, yet it was by His direction, and in accordance with His plan. The command was not given by the prophets, or by an audible voice; but it was His secret purpose and direction that led them to this enterprise.
What is the purpose of “Homeland Security”?
To protect the USA from more terrorist attacks like 9/11, also to improve the military's protection of the United States.
Homeland Security", is a Cabinet department of the U.S. federal government with the responsibility of protecting the territory of the U.S. from terrorist attacks and responding to natural disasters. Whereas the Department of Defense is charged with military actions abroad, the Department of Homeland Security works in the civilian sphere to protect the United States within, at, and outside its borders.
Perhaps “Homeland Security” could do its job. Perhaps “Homeland Security” could destroy the corruptors hidden within its ranks. Perhaps then “Homeland Security” could be employed to fight the underground network of terror with the country, instead of being employed by it for the eventual “lock-down” of the American citizens.
Is “Homeland Security” past the point of recovery?
Perhaps this is a part of God’s stratagem.
Barnes Commentary.- “My sanctified ones.” The Medes and Persians; not called “sanctified” because they were holy, but because they were set apart by the Divine intention and purpose to accomplish this. The word “sanctify” often means to set apart- either to God’ to an office; to any sacred use; or to any purpose of religion, or of accomplishing any of the Divine plans. Here it means that the Medes and Persians were set apart, in the purpose of God, to accomplish His designs in regard to Babylon.
It cannot be supposed that the Medes and Persians really exulted, or rejoiced in God or in His plans; for it is evident that, like the Assyrians King, they were seeking to accomplish their own purposes, and were not solicitous about the plans of God.
The plan of God in regard to Babylon was a mighty undertaking; and one in which the power, the justice, and the dominion of God over nations would be evinced. In accomplishing this, the Medes and Persians would rejoice or exult, not as the fulfilling of the plan of God; but they would exult as if it were their own plan, though it would be really the glorious plan of God.
God’s Word
Jeremiah 50:24-32 “I (Jehovah) set a trap for you, O Babylon, and you were caught before you knew it; you were found and captured because you opposed the Lord. The Lord has opened His arsenal and brought out the weapons of His wrath, for the Sovereign Lord Almighty has work to do in the land of the Babylonians. Come against her from afar. Break open her granaries; pile her up like heaps of grain. Completely destroy her and leave her no remnant. Kill all her young bulls; let them go down to the slaughter! Woe to them! For their day has come, the time for them to be punished. Listen to the fugitive and refugees from Babylon declaring in Zion how the Lord our God has taken vengeance, vengeance for His temple. Summon archers against Babylon, all those who draw the bow. Encamp all around her; let no one escape. Repay her for her deeds; do to her as she has done. For she has defied the Lord, the Holy One of Israel. Therefore, her young men will fall in the streets; all her soldiers will be silenced in that day,’ declared the Lord. ‘See, I am against you, O arrogant one,’ declares the Lord, the Lord Almighty, ‘for your day has come, the time for you to be punished. The arrogant one will stumble and fall and no one will help her up; I will kindle a fire in her towns that will consume all who are around her.”
Jeremiah 51:11-14 “’Sharpen the arrows, take up the shields! The Lord has stirred up the kings of the Medes, because His purpose is to destroy Babylon. The Lord will take vengeance, vengeance for His temple. Lift up a banner against the walls of Babylon! Reinforce the guard, station the watchmen, prepare an ambush! The Lord will carry out His purpose, His decree against the people of Babylon. You who live by many waters and are rich in treasures, your end has come, the time for you to be cut off. The Lord Almighty has sworn by Himself; I will surely fill you with men, as with swarm of locusts, and they will shout in triumph over you.”
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