Revelation 22:2 “And the leaves of the tree [providing a divinely sanctioned Ethical Norm as a shelter of protection for all peoples] (will be) for healing [restorative medicine] of the nations.
Secular Ethical Norm
(Encyclopedia Version)
Do not murder
Do not commit adultery
Do not bear false witness
Do not steal (Insures right to own personal property)
Do not covet
In all things do judgment –
In summary, the non-corrosive tempering agent of “righteousness,” keeps the standard of the law in tack, yet, provides a judicial “balance” for the maintenance of moral purity. In this capacity, the doing of judgment for the maintenance of righteousness- can surpass the letter of the law. Righteousness is a fruit of just judgment; the two go hand in hand.
Do not lift vengeance (rather, make application of the "Golden Rule" in accordance to the above criteria)
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