ISAIAH 66:14 “And shall be known the hand of Jehovah toward His servants [“manifested in their behalf”], and He shall rage (over) His enemies.”
Calvin Commentary.- He says, that when the fine weather shall smile upon them, there shall be such a distinction between the good and the bad, as to make manifest this hand, which formerly was in some measure hidden; because He will no longer conceal Himself, or permit the wicked to ravage without control, but will openly show how great is his solicitude about His people. If therefore for a time the enemies have the superiority, and pursue their lawless course without being punished, if we appear to be overlooked and destitute of all assistance, let us not despair; for the time will come when the Lord will reveal Himself, and will rescue us from their assaults and tyranny.
Henry Commentary.- God’s mercy and justice shall both be manifested and forever magnified.
God will not only give them cause to rejoice, but will speak comfort to them, will speak it to their hearts; and it is He only that can do that, and make it fasten there. See what He will do for the comfort of all the sons of Zion. Their country shall be their tender nurse: You shall be carried on her sides, under her arms as little children are [in the tenderest of care, drawing to their advantage- from a land of extraordinary fertility- ample food supply and blessing], and shall be dangled upon her knees, as darlings are [being shown affectionate regard], especially when they are weary and out of humor, and must be got to sleep.
They shall feel the blessed effects of this comfort in their own souls: When you see this, what a happy state the church is restored to, not only your tongues and your countenances, but your hearts shall rejoice. Your heart shall rejoice and your joy no man takes from you. Then your bones, that were dried and withered (the marrow of them quite exhausted), shall recover a youthful strength and vigor and shall flourish like a herb. Divine comforts reach the inward man; they are marrow and moistening to the bones. The bones are the strength of the body; those shall be made to flourish which these comforts.
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