ISAIAH 66:15 “For, behold, Jehovah will come with [judicial] fire, and His chariots [the might of His intercessory hosts- in a conspicuous display of power and influence will be] like the tempest, to bring back [at the appointed time] His fury in wrath, and His rebuke in flames of fire [to judge and punish His enemies].”
Spurgeon Commentary.- “Only with your eyes shall you behold and see the reward of the wicked.” The sight shall reveal both the justice and the mercy of God; in them that perish the severity of God will be manifest, and in the believer’s escape the richness of divine goodness will be apparent.
PSALM 91:9 “Because You O Jehovah, (are) my refuge; you make the Most High your habitation not shall befall you evil [of divinely sanctioned punishment], and plague [associated with legal liability and civil prosecution] not shall come near your tent. For His angles [divine mediators assigned with the special task of caring for the nation Israel] He [Jehovah] will order for you [unavailing and disclosing hidden things, revelations concerning the consummation of God’s eternal kingdom] and to keep you [safeguarded] in all your ways, on their palms they shall bear you up, least you dash your foot on a stone.”
PSALM 1 “Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked [the “unrighteous"- the lovers of violence]; and not has [in a supporting posture] stood in the way of sinners [who pass over the prohibited limits- erroring from the path of duty to violate positive and known obligations]; and in the seat of scorners [rebuking the wisdom of God- treating the virtue of religion with contempt and scorn, not has sat- so to become one of them- by occupying a seat with them through deliberate association]. But only in the law of Jehovah is (his) [the “blessed” man’s] delight [found in the truth of God], in His [written] law [codes and specific regulations] he meditates day and night. And he will be like a [“valuable and productive”] tree planted by the rivulets of waters, which its fruit will give in its season and its leaf will not wither; and all which he does will prosper.”
“Not so (are) the wicked; but only (are) [worthless] chaff [having no stability] which the wind drives about.”
Verse 5 “Therefore the wicked will not stand [among those acquitted or approved] in the judgment, nor sinners [who pass over the prohibited limits- erroring from the path of duty to violate positive and know obligations] in the company of the righteous.”
“Not so (are) the wicked; but only (are) [worthless] chaff [having no stability] which the wind drives about.”
Verse 5 “Therefore the wicked will not stand [among those acquitted or approved] in the judgment, nor sinners [who pass over the prohibited limits- erroring from the path of duty to violate positive and know obligations] in the company of the righteous.”
ISAIAH 66:15 “For, behold, Jehovah will come with [judgmental] fire, and His chariots [the might of His intercessory hosts in a conspicuous display of power and influence will be] like the tempest, to bring back [at the appointed time] His fury in wrath, and His rebuke in flames of fire [to judge and punish His enemies].”
Barnes Commentary.- Fire is a common emblem to denote the coming of the Lord to judge and punish His enemies.” This is a general promise that God would defend His church, and destroy His foes [NOTE: Anti-Christ- "God Manifest" VS Jesus "Mighty God"] …and thus extend protection to His people. That truth is enough for His church to know; that truth should be sufficient to fill a wicked world with alarm. “And with His chariots like a whirlwind.” The principal idea here is, that He would come with immense rapidity [with the might of His intercessory host- in a conspicuous display of power], like a chariot that was borne forward as on the whirlwind, to destroy His foes. God is often represented as coming in a chariot- a chariot of the clouds, or of a whirlwind.
PSALM 104:1-4 “O Jehovah, my God You are very great; majesty and honor You have put on, covering Yourself like a cloak (with) light [of pristine holiness]; stretching out the heavens [the exalted heights] like a curtain [over a supported framework of accurate measure]; who lays beams [shafts of divine light] in the waters (of) [an ever flowing torrent- of righteous judgment giving support to] His upper rooms [of divine command]; [it is Jehovah] who sets thick clouds [of protecting obscurity] (as) His chariot [of intercessory conveyance in the upper chambers]; who marches [forward unrestrained by time and matter] on the wings of the wind.”
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