ISAIAH 66:15 “For, behold, Jehovah will come with [judgmental] fire, and His chariots [the might of His intercessory hosts- in a conspicuous display of power and influence will be] like the tempest, to bring back [at the appointed time] His fury in wrath, and His rebuke in flames of fire [to judge and punish His enemies].”
PSALM 104:3 “[It is Jehovah] who sets thick clouds [of protecting obscurity] (as) His chariot [of intercessory conveyance- in the upper chambers]; who marches [forward unrestrained by time or matter] on the wings of the wind.”
Barnes Commentray.- The principal idea here is, that He would come with immense rapidity, like a chariot that was borne forward as on the whirlwind, to destroy His foes. God is often represented as coming in a chariot- a chariot of the clouds, or of a whirlwind.
EZEKIEL 1:4 “And I (Ezekiel) looked, and behold, a wind of storm come out of the north, a great cloud…”
EZEKIEL 1:4 “And I (Ezekiel) looked, and behold, a wind of storm come out of the north, a great cloud…”
Disaster From the North -
JEREMIAH 4:10-13 “At that time it will be said to this people and to Jerusalem, ‘A hot wind (from) the bare heights in the desert toward the daughter of My people- not to winnow nor to cleanse! A wind more full than these shall come for Me. Now, also I (Jehovah) will utter judgments against them.’”
Verse 13 “Behold, like clouds he [the king of Babylon] will come up, and like a windstorm his chariots; are swifter than eagles his horses. Woe to us, for we are devastated!”
Verse 13 “Behold, like clouds he [the king of Babylon] will come up, and like a windstorm his chariots; are swifter than eagles his horses. Woe to us, for we are devastated!”
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