ISAIAH 1:29-31 “For (they) [the law breakers employing the systematic use of terror to overthrow the government of God and kingdom of righteousness] shall be ashamed of the trees [symbolizing the abused qualities of strength, power, glory, wealth and honor] which you desired and you shall be ashamed of the gardens [the sites of idolatrous worship giving strength to injustice and oppression] you have chosen. For you [who trust in man and depend on flesh for strength- who turns his ear away from Jehovah] shall be like a tree whose leaf fades, and like a (parched) garden (in) which water [of blessing and prosperity] is not for it. And will be the strong [selling and betraying justice] for tow [as a wick- through which the force of adhesion draws up a steady supply of fuel to be burned], and his work for a spark [that sets off a sudden spontaneous burst of activity]; and they both shall burn together, and none shall quench them [in the day of the wrath of the Almighty God and vengeance of His temple].”
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