ISAIAH 66:18 “For I (Jehovah) know their works and their thoughts- it [the “evil intentions and devices of the apostate”] comes to gather all the [different] nations and the tongues [those nations that differ from one another by their language], and they shall come [to this particular point and place] and see My glory [i.e., the exalted pristine holiness of the Almighty].”
Henry Commentary.- The sense is, that though their abominable rites were celebrated in the deepest recesses of the groves, yet they were not concealed from God. The sense is, that the period would come when Jehovah would collect all nations to witness the execution of His vengeance on His foes. “They shall come and see My glory,” that is, the manifestation of My perfections in the great events referred to here- the destruction of His enemies, and the deliverance of His people. It seems to me, that there is involved here the idea of the judgment or punishment on the enemies of God, and at about the same time a collecting of the nation… In some future time (from the date of this writing 1847 A.D.), Jehovah would manifest Himself as the punisher of His enemies, and all the nations also would be permitted to behold His glory, as if they were assembled together.
Oswalt Commentary.- This verse marks the transition to the final word of hope. Its form is difficult, but if the text it correct, the sense is that the evil works and the twisted plans of rebel humans will serve only as a foil for the greater revelation of the glory of God. (Paraphrased) The gathered people of the world, including ethnic (nations) and linguistic (tongues) groups, will see His power and His righteousness.
The message of God is not for the descendants of Jacob but for the world, and those of the world who respond to it are the true children of Jacob. The message has been given the Israelites as a trust to be proclaimed. It is not national election or cultic righteousness that makes people the servants of the Lord, but obedience to His word. From the very outset Israel is expected to be the means whereby the nations are drawn to the mountain of the house of the Lord to learn the Torah (the body of wisdom and law contained in the Jewish Scripture) of God.
When those who rely on God in humility are delivered from the hands of oppressors and aggressors, and stand up to possess the earth, then the world will know that God is the Lord indeed. This has already happened in part in the formation of the church. The Christians were despised and rejected, but God vindicated Himself through them, and the nations were drawn to the glory of God. So also at the end of all things, we may expect another such ingathering as the world sees the deliverance of the righteous and the judgment of the wicked.
The message of God is not for the descendants of Jacob but for the world, and those of the world who respond to it are the true children of Jacob. The message has been given the Israelites as a trust to be proclaimed. It is not national election or cultic righteousness that makes people the servants of the Lord, but obedience to His word. From the very outset Israel is expected to be the means whereby the nations are drawn to the mountain of the house of the Lord to learn the Torah (the body of wisdom and law contained in the Jewish Scripture) of God.
When those who rely on God in humility are delivered from the hands of oppressors and aggressors, and stand up to possess the earth, then the world will know that God is the Lord indeed. This has already happened in part in the formation of the church. The Christians were despised and rejected, but God vindicated Himself through them, and the nations were drawn to the glory of God. So also at the end of all things, we may expect another such ingathering as the world sees the deliverance of the righteous and the judgment of the wicked.
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