Isaiah 66:19 “And I (God) will set among them a sign and I will send from them those who escape [“from the tokens of the divine displeasure”] to the nations…”
Barnes Commentary.- A Sign. The word used here, and translated sign- means a flag, or a standard; a memorial, or any pledge, token or proof of a Divine mission, or a miracle wrought in attestation of a Divine promise or message. It was customary for miracles or prodigies (grave or serious prophetic events) to be exhibited on similar occasions.
What is its meaning here is to be determined by the connection. That would seem to me to require some such interpretation as this: That when God should come to take vengeance on His foes, and to manifest His glory, He would establish some mark or memorial; would erect some standard or give some signal, by which His true friends would escape, and that He would send them to distant nations to proclaim His truth and gather together those who had not seen His glory. What that sign should be, He does not here say. Whether a standard, a secret communication, or some intimation beforehand, by which they should know the approaching danger and make their escape, is not declared. It is by no means easy to determine with certainty on this passage; and it certainly become no one to speak dogmatically (inflexibly) or very confidently. The heavy judgments referred to may have been the impending calamities over Jerusalem.
What is its meaning here is to be determined by the connection. That would seem to me to require some such interpretation as this: That when God should come to take vengeance on His foes, and to manifest His glory, He would establish some mark or memorial; would erect some standard or give some signal, by which His true friends would escape, and that He would send them to distant nations to proclaim His truth and gather together those who had not seen His glory. What that sign should be, He does not here say. Whether a standard, a secret communication, or some intimation beforehand, by which they should know the approaching danger and make their escape, is not declared. It is by no means easy to determine with certainty on this passage; and it certainly become no one to speak dogmatically (inflexibly) or very confidently. The heavy judgments referred to may have been the impending calamities over Jerusalem.
{Study Notes} "The glory of God referred to, may have been the signal manifestation of His perfections at that period in the approaching destruction of the city, and in the wonders that attended the “manifestation” of the Messiah (the “Mighty God”)."
Barnes Commentary.- By these warnings and previous intimations they were to be preserved. The sign was “among them,” i.e., in the very midst of the nation; and the object of the intimation was, to secure their safety, and the speedy propagation (broadcast or circulation) of the true religion among them.
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