Barnes Commentary.- Deeply sensible that there is great danger of erring here, and that the above view may be viewed as mere conjecture, I cannot, however, help regarding it as the true exposition.
“And I will set among them a sign and I will send from them those who escape to the nations.” According to the interpretation suggested above, this refers to the portion of the Israelites (the posterity of Jacob) that should escape from the tokens of the Divine displeasure…a remnant would be saved. Of that remnant, God would send a portion to make His name known to those who had not heard it, and they would lead distant nations t others knowledge of His truth.
“And I will set among them a sign and I will send from them those who escape to the nations.” According to the interpretation suggested above, this refers to the portion of the Israelites (the posterity of Jacob) that should escape from the tokens of the Divine displeasure…a remnant would be saved. Of that remnant, God would send a portion to make His name known to those who had not heard it, and they would lead distant nations t others knowledge of His truth.
ARMAGEDDON – Proclamation of War on Terrorism
ARMAGEDDON – Proclamation of War on Terrorism
ISAIAH 30:25-26 “And shall be on every high mountain and on every lifted up hill, rivulets, steams of [reviving] water [of retributive measures of justice] in a day of great slaying [when human aspirations go beyond the limits of the law, in the day of great slaying] when towers fall. And the [reflected] moon light [of armed defensive combat necessitated through right and justifiable measure] shall be like the light of the sun [the law of the land in its going forth]; and the sun’s light [of divinely sanctioned retributive judgment upon the rebels- to re-establish the age old foundations] shall be sevenfold [in perfection of divine vengeance of the Almighty], as the light of seven days [when the prophecies are accomplished and has been summoned a bird of prey from a far off land to fulfill the purposes of Jehovah], in the day of Jehovah binding up the [violent] break of His people [through the forceful entry made upon them by foreign invasion], and the wound of His blow [the severe chastisement manifest in the bondage and captivity of His people He] heals.”
Henry Commentary (Paraphrased).- That some of the Israelite nation should, by the grace of God, be distinguished from the rest, and marked for salvation: I will not only set up a gathering ensign among them, to which the Gentiles shall seek, but there shall be those among them on whom I will set a differencing (distinguishing) sign; for so the word signifies. God will set apart a remnant of them, that shall be devoted to Him and employed for Him, and a mark shall be set upon them, with such certainty will God own them.
Note, those who themselves have escaped the wrath to come should do all they can to snatch others also as brands out of the burning. God chooses to send those on His errands that can deliver their message feelingly and experimentally, and warn people of their danger as those who have themselves narrowly escaped the danger.
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