(Babylonian Empire)
Revelation 13:11 “And I (John) saw another beast coming up out of the earth, and it had two horns like a lamb, and spoke as a dragon [seeking dominion over a New World Order]. And all the authority [the designed stratagem] of the first beast it does before it [as an enforcer- being a counterfeit political imitation of Antichrist]. “
Study Note: Although the dragon is not mentioned in this scene, yet from its position on the seashore it now calls up a second evil helper.
John uses only a few words to describe this monster. On sentence is extremely suggestive: he had two horns like a lamb, but he spoke like a dragon [seeking universal dominion through stealth]. And all the authority [the designed stratagem] of the first beast it does before it [as an enforcer- being a counterfeit political imitation of Antichrist]. And it makes the earth and those dwelling it that they should worship the first beast [seeking world dominion] of which was healed the wound of death of it [claiming their victory through Jesus Christ - manifesting themselves to be the firstfruits of God and the Lamb- to execute vengeance on the nations and punishment on the people].”
John uses only a few words to describe this monster. On sentence is extremely suggestive: he had two horns like a lamb, but he spoke like a dragon [seeking universal dominion through stealth]. And all the authority [the designed stratagem] of the first beast it does before it [as an enforcer- being a counterfeit political imitation of Antichrist]. And it makes the earth and those dwelling it that they should worship the first beast [seeking world dominion] of which was healed the wound of death of it [claiming their victory through Jesus Christ - manifesting themselves to be the firstfruits of God and the Lamb- to execute vengeance on the nations and punishment on the people].”

The second monster gratifies the needs of the first monster, so he exercised all the authority of the first beast on his behalf. The nature of this service is clarified immediately: he assists in ensuring that earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast.
Beale Commentary.- The beast has primarily a "prophetic" role since it is later repeatedly call “the false prophet”. Whereas the true prophet was to lead people to worship God, this prophet leads them to worship the state. This is reinforced by Christ’s prophecy that false prophets and messiahs would arise in the believing community itself. Jesus also likened false prophets to beasts and foretold that “false prophets” would “come…in sheep’s clothing but are inwardly ravenous wolves” (Matt. 7:15). The image of a wolf in lamb’s clothing suggest a traitor within the fold of the church [or trusted political system]. Though the beast professes to represent the truth and appears harmless as a lamb, his inner Satanic nature is revealed through his speaking- with the authority of the dragon, reflecting the alluring, deceptive speech of Satan…that led to the sin of Adam and Eve.
Therefore, this imagery and background suggest deception within the covenant community itself. Whereas the first beast speaks loudly and defiantly against God [through abominable defamation of the righteous and good character of God], the second beast makes the first beast’s claims sound plausible and persuasive. Therefore, it takes a discerning Christian to detect the evil inherent in the second beast.
The second beast is now explicitly said to be aligned with the first beast, further confirming its identification with the state. He exercises the authority of the first beast. This is emphasized by saying that he exercises this authority “in the presence” of the first beast. This authority also comes from Satan [seeking to usurp the throne of God- World Supremacy and a New World Order]. The second beast uses its authority to “coerce the earth and those dwelling in it to worship the first beast.”
Therefore, this imagery and background suggest deception within the covenant community itself. Whereas the first beast speaks loudly and defiantly against God [through abominable defamation of the righteous and good character of God], the second beast makes the first beast’s claims sound plausible and persuasive. Therefore, it takes a discerning Christian to detect the evil inherent in the second beast.
The second beast is now explicitly said to be aligned with the first beast, further confirming its identification with the state. He exercises the authority of the first beast. This is emphasized by saying that he exercises this authority “in the presence” of the first beast. This authority also comes from Satan [seeking to usurp the throne of God- World Supremacy and a New World Order]. The second beast uses its authority to “coerce the earth and those dwelling in it to worship the first beast.”
Barnes Commentary (Paraphrased).- “Coming out of the earth.” Professor Stuart renders this, “ascending from the land.” The former was represented as rising up out of the sea; indicating that the power was to rise from a perturbed or unsettled state of affairs- like the ocean. This, from that which was more settled and stable- as the land is more firm than the waters.
“And he had two horns like a lamb.” In some respects he resembled a lamb; that is, he seemed to be mild, gentle, inoffensive animal. “And he spoke as a dragon.” The general sense is, that while this “beast” had, in one respect- its resemblance to a lamb- the appearance of great gentleness, meekness, and kindness, it had, in another respect, a haughty, imperious, and arrogant spirit. “And he exercised all the power of the first beast before him.” The same amount of power; the same kind of power. This shows a remarkable relationship between these two beasts; and proves that it was intended to refer to the same power substantially, though manifested in a different form. In the fulfillment of this, we should naturally look for some government whose authority extended far, and which was absolute and arrogant in its character, for this is the power attributed to the first beast.
“And he had two horns like a lamb.” In some respects he resembled a lamb; that is, he seemed to be mild, gentle, inoffensive animal. “And he spoke as a dragon.” The general sense is, that while this “beast” had, in one respect- its resemblance to a lamb- the appearance of great gentleness, meekness, and kindness, it had, in another respect, a haughty, imperious, and arrogant spirit. “And he exercised all the power of the first beast before him.” The same amount of power; the same kind of power. This shows a remarkable relationship between these two beasts; and proves that it was intended to refer to the same power substantially, though manifested in a different form. In the fulfillment of this, we should naturally look for some government whose authority extended far, and which was absolute and arrogant in its character, for this is the power attributed to the first beast.
[This description would have a remarkable fulfillment in the blending of church and state, considered as a theocratic dominion. The relation to the secular power is the same as would be indicated by these two beast; the dominion was as wide-spread; the authority was as absolute and arrogant. In fact, on these points they have been identical. The one has sustained the other; either one would long have fallen if had not been upheld by the other. These two things, the secular and the spiritual power, constituting a New World Order in the proper sense of the term, are in fact – united so as to constitute in reality but one kingdom, and yet so distinct in their origin, and in their manifestations, as to be capable of separate contemplation and description, and thus properly represented by the two “beasts” that were show in vision to John.]
[The meaning here, according to the interpretation proposed all along in this chapter, is, that the “supreme head”, considered in its religious influence, or as a spiritual power- represented by the second beast- secured for the civil or secular power- represented by the first beast- the homage of the world. It was the means of keeping up that dominion, and of giving it its ascendency among the nations of the earth. That new power gave life and energy to the influence of the Dragon.]
MacArthur Commentary (Paraphrased).- the major weapon in Satan’s arsenal is deception. "Satan", Jesus declared, is “a liar and the father of lies”. From his first appearance on earth in the Garden of Eden until his final appearance at the end , Satan is a liar and a deceiver. He constantly seeks to confuse people, “blind(ing) the minds of the unbelieving so that they might not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ…
Since Satan is a deceiver, it follows that his agents are also deceivers.
The partnership between political and religious power exhibited by Antichrist and the false prophet will not be new. The Roman Empire united political and religious power by demanding that its subjects worship the state (personified as the goddess Roma) and the emperor.
The worldwide joining of political and religious power will occur in the end times. For a time, the two powers will coexist.
Some view this second beast as an institution, a form of government, or an ideology. But he, like the first beast will be a person. Further proof of that comes from 19:20: “And the beast was seized, and with him the false prophet who performed the signs in his presence, by which he deceived those who had received the ark of the beast and those who worshiped his image; these two were thrown alive into the lake of fire which burns with brimstone.”
Since Satan is a deceiver, it follows that his agents are also deceivers.
The partnership between political and religious power exhibited by Antichrist and the false prophet will not be new. The Roman Empire united political and religious power by demanding that its subjects worship the state (personified as the goddess Roma) and the emperor.
The worldwide joining of political and religious power will occur in the end times. For a time, the two powers will coexist.
Some view this second beast as an institution, a form of government, or an ideology. But he, like the first beast will be a person. Further proof of that comes from 19:20: “And the beast was seized, and with him the false prophet who performed the signs in his presence, by which he deceived those who had received the ark of the beast and those who worshiped his image; these two were thrown alive into the lake of fire which burns with brimstone.”
[Obviously, it is people along with their ideologies, institutions, or governments, that God will cast into the lake of fire.]
MacArthur Commentary.-That a the false prophet arises from the earth suggests that he will be subtler, gentler, less overpowering and terrifying than the Antichrist. He will be winsome and persuasive, the epitome of the wolves in sheep’s clothing Jesus warned of.
The description of the first beast, with its ten horns, seven heads, ten crowns, and seven blasphemous names, was grotesque and frightening. In contrast, the second beast merely had two horns. That indicates that he is not characterized by the same massive might as Antichrist. And unlike the savage, ferocious, fierce, and deadly Antichrist who is likened to a leopard, bear, and lion, the false prophet seems as harmless as a lamb. He does not come as a conquering dictator, but on the surface appears as a subtle deceiver, with meekness and gentleness, though not without great authority.
Despite his deceptively mild appearance, the false prophet is not less a child of “evil” than the Antichrist. That is evident because he spoke as a dragon- a strange voice indeed for a lamb. The false prophet…will be the dragon’s mouthpiece, SPEAKING HIS WORDS.
False prophets often appear meek, mild and harmless. They offer hope and solutions to the problems troubling men and women. The false prophet will come like a lamb, speaking false, deceptive words of comfort.
The description of the first beast, with its ten horns, seven heads, ten crowns, and seven blasphemous names, was grotesque and frightening. In contrast, the second beast merely had two horns. That indicates that he is not characterized by the same massive might as Antichrist. And unlike the savage, ferocious, fierce, and deadly Antichrist who is likened to a leopard, bear, and lion, the false prophet seems as harmless as a lamb. He does not come as a conquering dictator, but on the surface appears as a subtle deceiver, with meekness and gentleness, though not without great authority.
Despite his deceptively mild appearance, the false prophet is not less a child of “evil” than the Antichrist. That is evident because he spoke as a dragon- a strange voice indeed for a lamb. The false prophet…will be the dragon’s mouthpiece, SPEAKING HIS WORDS.
False prophets often appear meek, mild and harmless. They offer hope and solutions to the problems troubling men and women. The false prophet will come like a lamb, speaking false, deceptive words of comfort.
Mounce Commentary.- The beast out of the earth is a deceiver. Elsewhere (in Revelation) he is uniformly called the false prophet. His two horns like a lamb represent his attempt to convey the impression of gentle harmlessness. This passage recalls the warning of Jesus, Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves” (Matt. 7:15). The horns like a lamb may refer to the seductive inducements (considerations of loyalty, patriotism, self-interest, etc.) held out to Christians by the beast.
The role of the second beast (the formidable political underground world power- involved in a secret bid for worldwide dominion now visible on earth) is to cause people to worship the first beast. To achieve this end he is empowered to work miracles.
The role of the second beast (the formidable political underground world power- involved in a secret bid for worldwide dominion now visible on earth) is to cause people to worship the first beast. To achieve this end he is empowered to work miracles.
Wall Commentary.- “…this beast, the false prophet, is an exemplar of those subtle forms of evil which deceive people into embracing lies as God’s truth.
[All agree that this must be some great impostor, who under a pretence of addressing worldwide political problems, shall deceive the souls of men.]
Henry Commentary.- The power which he exercises: All the power of the former beast; he promotes the same interests, pursues the same design in substance, which is, to draw men off from worshipping the true God to worshipping those who by nature are not God, and subject the souls and consciences of men to the will and authority of men, in opposition to the will of God.
Holman Commentary.- What is the earth monster? So far in the description this could be thought of as religious power gone corrupt… Religion has frequently joined political power as its handmaid. Throughout time kings have often been accorded divine status and been served by the state priesthood. By the end of the first century, the priests of the emperor’s cult were active in promoting emperor worship.
Now the earth monster becomes what must be a specific individual [of particular, yet successive kings of the monarchy], though often through church history the monster has been seen as representative of an earthly power such as the Roman government or a religious heresy.
Ironside Commentary.- To be forewarned is to be forearmed. God’s holy Word has predicted the coming of this false one and has clearly shown what will lead up to his revelation. No Spirit-taught Bible student can fail to observe the shadow of the Antichrist falling across many pages of prophecy. “you have heard,” wrote the apostle John, “that Antichrist shall come” (1 John 2:18). The only question that troubles many has to do with the identification of the person of thing referred to. Is the Antichrist a person or a system? Many weighty names could be quoted in favor of either view, but, in order that our faith may not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God in this matter as in all else, we desire to be guided by the written Word.
The Antichrist will be a man, as the Christ of God is a man. Babylon is a vast organized system, even as the church of God is a divine organization. But the one is a Satanic counterfeit of the other. The Antichrist is the final head of the apostate system.
Holman Commentary.- What is the earth monster? So far in the description this could be thought of as religious power gone corrupt… Religion has frequently joined political power as its handmaid. Throughout time kings have often been accorded divine status and been served by the state priesthood. By the end of the first century, the priests of the emperor’s cult were active in promoting emperor worship.
Now the earth monster becomes what must be a specific individual [of particular, yet successive kings of the monarchy], though often through church history the monster has been seen as representative of an earthly power such as the Roman government or a religious heresy.
Ironside Commentary.- To be forewarned is to be forearmed. God’s holy Word has predicted the coming of this false one and has clearly shown what will lead up to his revelation. No Spirit-taught Bible student can fail to observe the shadow of the Antichrist falling across many pages of prophecy. “you have heard,” wrote the apostle John, “that Antichrist shall come” (1 John 2:18). The only question that troubles many has to do with the identification of the person of thing referred to. Is the Antichrist a person or a system? Many weighty names could be quoted in favor of either view, but, in order that our faith may not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God in this matter as in all else, we desire to be guided by the written Word.
The Antichrist will be a man, as the Christ of God is a man. Babylon is a vast organized system, even as the church of God is a divine organization. But the one is a Satanic counterfeit of the other. The Antichrist is the final head of the apostate system.
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