(Babylonian Empire)
Revelation 13:12 “And it [the Babylonian monarchy, a counterfeit political imitation of the Dragon] makes the earth and those dwelling in it [groups of politicians, academic and business leaders- members of the international power elite capable of influencing international policy] that they should worship [the Antichrist, effecting the capitulation of society to the worship of secular power, that is], the first beast of which was healed he wound of (the) death of it [claiming himself to be the true follower of the Lamb- who was equated equal in power and authority to God].”
Mounce Commentary.- Deification of secular power is in fact the worship of Satan. The motivation of worship is not the beast’s moral greatness but the awesome power of his might. The authority he wields is the authority of Satan himself.
Poole’s Commentary.- And they worshipped the beast, saying, ‘Who is like the beast?’ Possibly worshipping in this latter clause is not to be understood of Divine adoration, but a civil subjection.
Mounce Commentary.- Deification of secular power is in fact the worship of Satan. The motivation of worship is not the beast’s moral greatness but the awesome power of his might. The authority he wields is the authority of Satan himself.
Poole’s Commentary.- And they worshipped the beast, saying, ‘Who is like the beast?’ Possibly worshipping in this latter clause is not to be understood of Divine adoration, but a civil subjection.
(For Serious Consideration):
In conspiracy theory, the term “New World Order” (the capital letters are distinguishing) refers to the advent of a cryptocratic or totalitarian one-world government.
Cryptocracy, from the ancient Greek κρυπτός (kryptós, hidden) and κραττείν (krateín, to rule), refers to a type of government where the real leaders are hidden, or merely unknown.[1] A puppet government or figurehead, whether aware or not of their status as such, usually figures into this type of government in concept. It can also be used when referring to similar arrangements in organisations, orders, sects and cults. As such governments are, by definition, secret, they are most commonly featured in conspiracy theories or works of conspiracy fiction rather than the historical record.
Totalitarianism (or totalitarian rule) is a political system where the state recognizes no limits to its authority and strives to regulate every aspect of public and private life wherever feasible[2]. Totalitarianism is generally characterized by the coincidence of authoritarianism (i.e., where ordinary citizens have no significant share in state decision-making) and ideology (i.e., a pervasive scheme of values promulgated by institutional means to direct the most significant aspects of public and private life)[3].
The common theme in conspiracy theories about a New World Order is that a powerful and secretive group of globalists is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an autonomous world government, which would replace sovereign states and other checks and balances in international power struggles. Significant occurrences in politics and finance are speculated to be caused by an extremely influential cabal operating through many front organizations. Numerous historical and current events are seen as steps in an on-going plot to achieve world domination through secret political gatherings and decision-making processes.
Cryptocracy, from the ancient Greek κρυπτός (kryptós, hidden) and κραττείν (krateín, to rule), refers to a type of government where the real leaders are hidden, or merely unknown.[1] A puppet government or figurehead, whether aware or not of their status as such, usually figures into this type of government in concept. It can also be used when referring to similar arrangements in organisations, orders, sects and cults. As such governments are, by definition, secret, they are most commonly featured in conspiracy theories or works of conspiracy fiction rather than the historical record.
Totalitarianism (or totalitarian rule) is a political system where the state recognizes no limits to its authority and strives to regulate every aspect of public and private life wherever feasible[2]. Totalitarianism is generally characterized by the coincidence of authoritarianism (i.e., where ordinary citizens have no significant share in state decision-making) and ideology (i.e., a pervasive scheme of values promulgated by institutional means to direct the most significant aspects of public and private life)[3].
The common theme in conspiracy theories about a New World Order is that a powerful and secretive group of globalists is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an autonomous world government, which would replace sovereign states and other checks and balances in international power struggles. Significant occurrences in politics and finance are speculated to be caused by an extremely influential cabal operating through many front organizations. Numerous historical and current events are seen as steps in an on-going plot to achieve world domination through secret political gatherings and decision-making processes.
Mounce Commentary.- In the final days of Antichrist the false prophet stands for the role of false religion in effecting the capitulation (surrender and submission) of society to the worship of secular power. It is the universal victory of humanism .
[Humanism: A human philosophy for the here and now it is a cultural movement based on the philosophy of the ancient Greeks and Romans who enjoyed the open-endedness of a quest and the freedom of discovery that it entails- rather than on the sovereign authority of God.]
Mounce Commentary.- Peterson, in his self-styled and highly readable “pastoral midrash,” writes that “dragon, sea beast and land beast are a satanic trinity that infiltrates the political world in order to deflect our worship from the God whom we cannot see to the authorities that we can see, and to deceive us into buying into a religion or belief-system that has visible results in self-gratification [NOTE: lust for power and authority].
[Humanism: A human philosophy for the here and now it is a cultural movement based on the philosophy of the ancient Greeks and Romans who enjoyed the open-endedness of a quest and the freedom of discovery that it entails- rather than on the sovereign authority of God.]
Mounce Commentary.- Peterson, in his self-styled and highly readable “pastoral midrash,” writes that “dragon, sea beast and land beast are a satanic trinity that infiltrates the political world in order to deflect our worship from the God whom we cannot see to the authorities that we can see, and to deceive us into buying into a religion or belief-system that has visible results in self-gratification [NOTE: lust for power and authority].
Mounce Study Notes Expounded Out of Context: As the dragon gave his authority to the first beast, so the second beast exercises the authority of the first. He carries out the desires of the first beast as a prophet who stands in readiness before his god. His purpose is to cause everyone to worship the beast whose fatal wound has been healed [emulating to some degree the order sent out by the Roman Empire to be tolerant to Christians, which was seen as an imperial backing to the church. The primitive Christians derived their orders from the decrees of heaven and therefore Constantine, though he usurped the scepter by treason and war, immediately assumed the sacred title of vice-regent of the Deity making himself accountable to the Deity alone for the abuse of his power. The healing of the tatal wound could be viewed as the promotion of emperor worship.]
Mounce Commentary.- His purpose is to cause everyone to worship the beast whose fatal wound has been healed.
Thomas Commentary.- A specific exercise of authority is to bring men to worship the first beast, to practice gross idolatry by worshiping a man as God.
MacArthur Commentary.- The false prophet’s efforts to promote the worship of the Antichrist will receive a tremendous boost from a startling, spectacular event: the apparent healing of the first beast’s fatal wound.
Thomas Commentary.- A specific exercise of authority is to bring men to worship the first beast, to practice gross idolatry by worshiping a man as God.
MacArthur Commentary.- The false prophet’s efforts to promote the worship of the Antichrist will receive a tremendous boost from a startling, spectacular event: the apparent healing of the first beast’s fatal wound.
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