Jamieson, Fausset, Brown Commentary.- “And I will set among them a sign and I will send from them those who escape [“from the tokens of the divine displeasure”] to the nations…” – a banner on a high place, to indicate the place of meeting for the dispersed Israelite exiles, preparatory to their return to their land. The Gentile survivors spared by God shall act as missionaries to their several nations and represent it.
Gaebelein Commentary.- The survivors (of Jerusalem) are the Israelite remnant, and they go out to many a foreign country to proclaim the glory of the true God.
Poole’s Commentary.- Prophets were to be judged true or false, not from any signs or wonders which they did, but from the doctrine they taught, and would by those signs establish.
Gaebelein Commentary.- The survivors (of Jerusalem) are the Israelite remnant, and they go out to many a foreign country to proclaim the glory of the true God.
Poole’s Commentary.- Prophets were to be judged true or false, not from any signs or wonders which they did, but from the doctrine they taught, and would by those signs establish.
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