Revelation 13:13 “And it (a Babylonian Monarch, a son of Nebuchadnezzar, underhandedly) deceived those dwelling on the earth (luring them into a disadvantageous action- entrapping them), because of the signs (grave or serious prophetic events) which was given to it do before the beast (the Antichrist) who has the wound of the sword (first denying self-deification) and (yet) lived.”
False flag
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False flag operations are covert operations conducted by governments, corporations, or other organizations which are designed to deceive the public in such a way that the operations appear as though they are being carried out by other entities. The name is derived from the military concept of flying false colors; that is, flying the flag of a country other than one's own. False flag operations are not limited to war and counter-insurgency operations, and have been used in peace-time; for example, during Italy's strategy of tension: A theory of strategy of tension (Italian: strategia della tensione) is an alleged way used by world powers to divide, manipulate, and control public opinion using fear, propaganda, disinformation, psychological warfare, agents provocateurs, as well as false flag terrorist actions.[1]
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"False colors" redirects here. For the imaging technique, see False-color.
False flag operations are covert operations conducted by governments, corporations, or other organizations which are designed to deceive the public in such a way that the operations appear as though they are being carried out by other entities. The name is derived from the military concept of flying false colors; that is, flying the flag of a country other than one's own. False flag operations are not limited to war and counter-insurgency operations, and have been used in peace-time; for example, during Italy's strategy of tension: A theory of strategy of tension (Italian: strategia della tensione) is an alleged way used by world powers to divide, manipulate, and control public opinion using fear, propaganda, disinformation, psychological warfare, agents provocateurs, as well as false flag terrorist actions.[1]
Thomas Commentary.- The Pseudo-prophet (false prophet) will perform these to obscure the truth, to confuse people, and to win the wrong orientation for their inner allegiance. These will be genuine miracles [Study Notes: via, the fulfillment of genuine prophecy, thusly, then construed as] supernatural accomplishments, not mere trickery. They will almost deceive the elect, but the faithful will recognize them for what they are because of the purpose for which they are performed and the doctrine that they are seeking to prove.
The beast’s sign-producing power extends even to the point of John’s wildest dreams of calling down fire from heaven.
The beast’s sign-producing power extends even to the point of John’s wildest dreams of calling down fire from heaven.
The signs performed by the beast will serve to lead people astray [relinquishing their liberty and freedoms for protection and security] and bring them [as sheep to the slaughter] to the worship of a false god.
Beale Commentary.- Therefore, the beast poses as a spokesman for truth but is a false prophet and false teacher.
True prophets receive their inspiration and commissions as they stand “before the presence of the Lord”. Likewise, the false prophet receives his inspiration and commission as he acts “in the presence of the beast (Antichrist).
True prophets receive their inspiration and commissions as they stand “before the presence of the Lord”. Likewise, the false prophet receives his inspiration and commission as he acts “in the presence of the beast (Antichrist).
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