Verse 16 “And it (the treasonous underground branch- removing the boundaries of the law, dissipating the light of sinful rebellion in it’s secret bid for world dominion) makes all, the small (the insignificant one) and the great (in magnitude), and the rich and the poor, and the (independent) freeman and the slave (those in servitude), that it (the underground “reign of terror”) may give to them a (blemishing mark) on the right hand (of those who joined their hand in pledge or service voluntarily or involuntarily), or on the foreheads of them (distinguishing them as devotees) even that not any could buy (safe passage) or sell (their service without the risk of reprisal), except he having the (blemishing) mark, or the name (of the godless renown) of the beast, or the number of the (of the 6th head epitomizing the) name of it [as being that of Rome, whose heads of state having usurped the scepter of Jerusalem by treason and war immediately assumed the sacred title of vice-regent of the Deity]. Here is wisdom. The (one) having reason let him count [in historical sequence] the number of the beast: for it is the member of a man [and not a god]. The number of it (is) 666 [symbolically portraying Rome- a nation that endured through three consecutive falls of Jerusalem, at the hand of Babylon].”
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